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Cha_Eunwoo he was all confident while messaging me but we met up and he was a blushing, stuttering mess It was so c u t e

view all comments :(( you say that as if you weren't flustered as well

      ↳ Myung.duckie @ Lee dongmin? getting flustered? that has not happened in a looong time

      ↳ Cha_Eunwoo @ well I was nowhere near as flustered as you were, you kept blushing and stuttering and being just generally adorable.

Cha.Eunwow Idk who the other boy in the picture is but he's cute

      ↳ Etherealbinwoo That's moon bin he runs the fan account @!

      ↳ I have been summoned @ Etherealbinwo– oh my gosh your username I-

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

Etherealbinwoo is actually etheraleunwoo

also I wrote a letter to moonbin and it's in 'Because it's you' so you can check it out if you want! 

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