post 18!

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liked by @ sanhanana @roky_sweg @ Jin

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liked by @ sanhanana @roky_sweg @ Jin.who + 12003 more Guess who found a picture of eunwoo from a while ago and he was freaking adorable like look at his hairstyle and his face and just him, he just looks generally small :( . look how much he's grown up since then :((

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Cha_Eunwoo Where did YOu Find this??

      ↳ I have my sources 

      ↳ Cha_Eunwoo was it myungjun ? I bet it was him

      ↳ Maybe it was maybe it wasn't 

      ↳ Cha_Eunwoo well I'll find out when I see him later today....

Myung.duckie yeah he looked even cuter in person I can assure you that.

      ↳ Is that even possible ??? because oh my gosh I'd cry if he got any cuter??

      ↳ Myung.Duckie I can send you some pictures where he's the actual cutest fluffy squish

      ↳ Oh my goSH Please do I might actually cry but I need this in my life 

Cha_Eunwoo that caption was also unexplainably cute

      ↳ asfdsgdaasaspleasedont

      ↳ Cha_Eunwoo but you were fine literally not even a minute ago???

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