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Minhyuk and sanha were seated at sanhas favorite ice cream place, despite the cold weather the two boys had decided that ice cream was the perfect treat for that day.

Sanha sat in front of minhyuk, wearing an adorably oversized yellow hoodie that made the younger boy look oh so huggable, the younger boys entire focus was on the strawberry ice cream which sat in front of him, while minhyuk on the other hand was zoned out, staring at sanha and wondering if he actually had a chance. 

Minhyuk began wondering if maybe he shouldn't bring anything up, if he should just forget about confessing completely until sanhas voice broke him out of his dazed state, "so hyung what did you want to ask me ?" the younger asked, looking at minhyuk with his innocent doe eyes.

Minhyuk felt his face getting hot, he knew that he probably flushed a light pink at the least, "well,, umm well I just, I wanted to umm well," minhyuk stammered, leaving sanha even more confused and curious.

Minhyuk wasn't usually the type to be as flustered as he was getting here, at least not in front of sanha, the younger boy tilted his head slightly pouting and asked, "what is it hyung?" the sight of the younger boy caused minhyuk to blush even more.

Minhyuk spoke in a barely audible tone, practically mumbling, "well sanha, I umm I wanted to tell you that I liked you, that I liked you as more than a friend," minhyuk spoke with his eyes trained on his hands fidgeting with the edge of his shirt in his lap.

"What was that hyung? I couldn't hear you" sanha said, minhyuk could practically hear the pout worn on the younger's face through his tone of voice.

Minhyuk took a deep breath trying, and failing, to calm his racing heart minhyuk knew it was now or never, well he'd never have the courage to ask the younger after this situation anyways. "I- I like you, I like you as more than a friend yoon sanha," minhyuk spoke loudly after looking sanha in his big innocent doe eyes.

Sanha sat stunned for a moment, he stared at minhyuk, utter disbelief written on his face, upon noticing the younger's  facial expression minhyuk frowned, he was about ready to get up and leave the table, planning on never confronting the younger again, his heart broke at the thought but he felt that it was his fault, he felt that he had ruined his and sanhas perfectly good friendship.

He was about to get up when he heard the younger whisper, "you, you actually like me back? or did binnie hyung put you up to this?" 

"I mean he encouraged me to confess but he never mentioned you liked me back," as minhyuk said those words the sudden realisation hit him, "oh my gosh you actually like me back."

A wide grin broke out on minhyuk's face as he repeated those words, earning a little giggle from sanha, "of course I like you back, why wouldn't I, I thought you didn't like me that way," the younger semi-whined.

The two boys continued their now considered date, enjoying the half melted ice cream that melted during their long extremely adorable conversation. minhyuk and sanha decided that the best option was to head back to minhyuk's apartment and binge watch movies for the rest of the day.

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