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liked by @ sanhanana @ Jin.who + 45000 more

Myung.duckie my love 💛

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Jin.who 💛

      ↳ Myung.duckie ❤️

sanhanana jinjin hyung??? I need an explanation @ Jin.who?? I'm confused???

mjthelittleduckling aww cute, I'm glad you found someone ❤️

           ↳ poutymj  Ikr they're really cute together!

Themoons_trashbin @ jin.who Is this who you're missing??

          ↳ rocky_sweg ^

         ↳ Jin.who @ rocky_sweg @ themoons_trashbin maybe?

rocky_sweg @ Jin.who I'm glad you aren't going to die alone hyung ❤️

        ↳ Themoons_trashbin ^

        ↳ Jin.who I hate both of you

       ↳ rocky_sweg Noooo you love us, (I mean we're literally hanging out so you better, we can fight you)

        ↳ sanhanana you guys are hanging out without me :((

        ↳ Jin.who @ sanhanana child don't be sad I'll text you the address come meet us here, you'll finally get to actual meet bin for once. 

        ↳ Jin.who @ rocky_sweg yeah yeah whatever

enticingeunwoo I can't believe someone as good as you is with a guy and someone like him at that

        ↳ Themoons_trashbin He's a great person and if you can't support their relationship are you a real fan at all?

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