Part 9

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*Madara's point of view* 

I was sitting on my seat waiting for Orochimaru to return with the news about the Uchiha boy. I was thinking back on the day we even started this whole experiment. 

*flash back* 

I was walking down a ally way in the land hidden in the mist until i felt someone come close to me. "I can sense your there show yourself" I said as a man jumped in front of me. 

"hello there. My name is Orochimaru and i am interested in joining your organization" The man said with a slight bow. 

"And what can you give my organization ?" i asked while knowing of the man's ability. Having a Sanin in my organization would be great. 

"I have information about a certain Uchiha child, Before i tell you this i need your clarification ill be in the organization" he said

I sigh loudly before nodding. "Great. The third son of the head family might have a special kekkei genkai called earth's guardian" He said as my eyes widen. "That is only a myth. How will you prove to me this child of the Uchiha can develop it? " I asked.

"I found another dimension. 1 month here is 2 years in that dimension. Ill take the child there until he turns 16 and see if he had gotten the kekkei genkai." He said

"Fine how long will he be taken away?" I asked 

"This would take 5 mounts to prove to you" he said as i nodded. "Capture the child and do as you must. Meet me at the highest mountain in the hidden rock. There is a cave there that is where ill be waiting. If this what you told me was true then ill allow you to join" I said as the man nodded and disappeared in a cloud. 

*Flash back over* 

I watched as a portal opened in front of me. Orochimaru walked out slowly with a 4 year old child in his hand and with the other he had a hand over his chest. "H-he has the Kekkei genkai" He said out of breath. 

"Ok i am confused if he was there for over 14 years why is he only a 6 year old in this world?" I asked as i looked down at the Uchiha brat. 

"You see he only aged in that dimension not this one. He does have his memories though" He said 

"All right i agree to you joining the Akatsuki. Welcome" I said as i lead the man to a medical room in the cave. 

*Itachi's point of view* 

I walked into the Uchiha compound after another failed search mission. Shi has been missing for the past 5 months now. No one knew where he was. Kakashi tried to track him with his dogs but they did not even find a sent. 

"Hay don't fret Itachi" Shisui said as he placed a hand on my shoulder sending me one of his iconic big smiles. "I know we will find your baby brother" He said as i lowered my head. 

"Yeah but it has been over 5 months now. We have not even found any foot prints or heard anything" I sighed as we walked through the streets. "Well who knows something might come back up" Shisui reassured me. 

"Thanks for your support" I said giving him the best smile i could muster. 

Suddenly a ninja jumped in front of me. "Sir the hokage needs to speak with you now. it is urgent" he said as i nodded. "Got to go Shisui, I'll see you later" I said as he nodded. 

I quickly ran out the compound and went straight to the hokage building. When i got there i just went in without knocking. 

"Ahh Itachi great to see your finally here" He said 
"You called Hokage?" I asked as i got down on one knee and bowed to him. 
"I got news of your little brother" He said in a serious tone. 

"W-where" I said with wide eyes and in a worried tone. 

"Today there came in reports that a man with black hair and a white body was carrying a Uchiha child through the hidden cloud village" He said as i quickly got to my feet about to run out until he stopped me. "The man is named Orochimaru one of the Sanin. Try not to be reckless Itachi and bring your brother back safely" he said to which i nodded before running full on sprint to the Uchiha base to get a few things as well as get Shisui to come with me. 

*Flash back 5 months ago* 

I was happily helping Sasuke with his shuriken jutsu while Shi was just sitting under a tree playing with the dirt. He has not went to the academy yet and has already learned the fire ball jutsu and knows how to control his chakra to maintain the Sharingan if he unlocks it. 

It started to turn dark and i told them it was time to go. I had Sasuke hold my hand while my other held Shi's hand. We walked in silence until i heard a rustle in a bush close by. I quickly pushed both of them behind me as i sensed a ninja was there. 

"B-brother" Sasuke said tugging on my pants. "Not now Sasuke" i said as i activated my Sharingan. 

"Brother" Sasuke said again tugging on my leg. I turned around and saw that Shi was gone. "Where is SHI!" I asked getting stressed. 

"Thank you Itachi you made my job much easier" A voice echoed through the forest. I was about to charge after him but noticed that if i did Sasuke might of get taken as well. I quickly pick him up and start running back to the compound. 

I need to be fast. One i got there i noticed Shisui was being the guard at the gate for the night. "Shisui Shi has been taken we need to go find him NOW!" I said as he nodded. Sasuke quickly ran into the Compound as me and Shisui went on a search to find where Shi was taken

*Flash back over*

Because of my arrogance i allowed Shi to disappear from my sight.....Dont worry Shi. Big brother is on his way and this time i will save you...  

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