Part 39

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Sorry guys for not updating in so long i was and am still busy with exams. So i am trying my best to produce parts for you. I hope you enjoy this part as well as the next part. Love you all. 

*Shi's point of view* 

Soon after we started doing other tests. From grip strength until side jumps. Right now we are going to do the throw test. A boy that i now know as Midoriya was about to throw the ball.

"Hay what is his quirk?" I asked the glasses dude that was standing next to me. 

 "Oh yeah i forgot you were not in the UA entrance exam. Well you see Midoriya's quirk is honestly weird. You see if he uses the quirk his body gets damaged." 

"It sounds like his body is not use to the power" I said looking at Katsuki who looks like exploding.

"Well yes that is true. But i think his quirk is almost like a muscle enhancer or something" The guy said still thinking. 

I then looked back at the boy and noticed his ball only went a few centimeters. I was about to crack up and laugh my ass off but then noticed he was talking to the teacher about something before he went back to line up. 

"Try not to choke again" I said softly. 

*3rd person point of view* 

Izuku threw the ball with his full strength sending it a few hundred feet away but unfortunately breaking his finger. 

Katsuki was going to charge at Izuku but then got a good idea. Katsuki went to stand next to a speech less Shi and nuddged him in the side. "You think you can do better hot head?" Katsuki teased. 

"Next" Aizawa said as Izuku walked away. Shi's face was covered in darkness before speaking. "I wont be out done" 

She walked to the circle and grabbed a ball. "You may use any method just dont step out of the circle. 

Shi did not respond and stared at the ball that was in his hand. A sudden blue flame surrounded Shi's body. "Katsuki this is what 10 months of training brought me" Shi said in a totally different tone. Almost in a serious tone. 

Winds came off the blue aura that surrounded Shi sending dust in all directions. 

Shi gripped the ball even tighter igniting it...into a white flame? 

"What type of training did he do?" Katsuki asked. 

The heat started to get too much for Aizawa so he walked back to get some distance from Shi. 

"Lets do this" Shi said pulling his arm back and throwing the ball full strength.

A loud screeching sound enveloped the area as well as huge flames launching up around Shi. 

Before anyone knew what was happening a huge crater was created at where Shi was standing. Aizawa on the other hand was frozen in shock as he looked at his phone. "What did he get sensei?" Iida asked. Aizawa merely turned the monitor to them and showed Shi's score shocking everyone. 

"40 075 km?!" Everyone exclaimed. "Wait why isn't Shi coming out of the crater?" Midoriya asked. Katsuki rushed over shocking people again at him. 

He slided down the crater and ran over to Shi's body. A steaming ball was laying on Shi while some of his clothes were on fire as well. "Shit. That is what you get for showing off" Katsuki said putting out the flames. 

"Is he ok" Aizawa asked. "NO. He is unconscious the ball had struck him" Katsuki said lifting up Shi and taking him to the side of the crater to take him out. 

"Take him to the nurses office. This looks like it would be the end for the ball throw." Aizawa said giving Katsuki a pink slip. 

"Shi why did you do in those ten months?" Katsuki asked as he pulled Shi's body along towards the nurses office. 

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