Part 27

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Thank you to all who are reading this book so far. I really enjoy writing it. I would like to thank my number one reader


you have been supporting my book since it started so i would like to thank you for everything. If you wonderful readers feel like not being lazy go follow her she is a amazing person. And thank you guys a lot for reading this book. 


your author

*Shi's point of view* 

For the last week we have been doing D-rank missions but really we only did house work. Cutting grass, Picking vegetables, Finding lost pets and building fences. We were like the superheros of house work. 

Right now we were trying to find this cat that has been running away the whole time. 

"What is your distance from the target?" Kakashi asked over the ear piece. "5 meters" Sasuke said

"Same here" 

"2 meters from this annoying cat" I said while glaring down at the cat under me. 

"5 meters here Believe it!" Naruto yelled over the ear piece. 

"Your falling behind Naruto. Alright guys on my mark" Kakashi said as we all got ready to jump to the cat. 


We all jumped at the cat the same time but somehow Naruto got it before me. The cat scratched his face making Naruto scream. "Does the target have a red ribbon on its ear?" Kakashi asked. 

"Yes target is Tora" Sasuke said walking up to the cat. 

"Alright guys lets go" Kakashi said as we started walking back to the hokage building. 

*At the hokage building* 

After giving the cat back to its owner we waited for our next mission. "Alright for your next mission there is : Painting fences, Gardening an-" The hokage was cut off by Naruto making a X formation with his arms. 

"Na ha nope not any more!" Naruto exclaimed. I kinda fell asleep against the wall after that but was quickly awaken by the smell of sake that entered the room. I raised one eye lid to look around and saw a old looking man taking another gulp of sake. 

"Hay old man give me that sake" I said from across the room. "NO what would a child do with sake anyway" The man said laughing at himself. "Fine" I said with a sigh before bursting into flames and appearing in front of him and taking the bottle out of his hands. "I dont like alcohol" I said as i turned the bottle with the liquid inside to ash and disappearing into flames before reappearing back against the wall. 

"Well then. Anyway i am a bridge builder called Tazuna. You will escort me to my village and keep me safe until i finish. But i do not this shorty there will be able to help much" Tazuna said. 

We all lined up next to each other. It was Sasuke followed by me then Sakura leaving Naruto as the shortest. Naruto charged at the man in anger but luckily Kakashi grabbed him by the collar. "We dont kill the client." Kakashi said softly to Naruto. 

"You dont need to worry i am a Jonin. Team meet me at the village gates in a hour" Kakashi said. We all nodded before walking out to go pack. 

"Sasuke i am packed already ill meet you at the village gates" I said to Sasuke before walking in the other direction. 

I walked for a little bit until i arrived at Ino's house. I knocked on the door until Ino's mother answered the door. 

"Oh hello Shi are you here for Ino?" Mrs Yamanaka asked. 

"yes mam is she home?" I asked. 

"Yes sure. Come on in. She is upstairs in her room you can go talk to her if you want" She said before allowing me inside. 

I quickly ran up the stairs and entered the oddly familiar room. I have started hanging out with Ino a lot lately and we usually hang out in her room. 

"Shi your here?!?" Ino said startled as she quickly got off her bed and walked towards me. "Hay Ino i am only here for a little bit. I came to tell you i am going on a mission that will take me out of the village. I'll most likely be gone for a week or two" I told her as she walked closer. She looked kind of disappointed. 

"Can you just promise me one thing?" She asked as she stopped a little bit in front of me. 

"Sure anything?" I said giving her a slight smirk. 

"please....Dont die" She said as she slightly looked up at me. "I won't die i promise" I said bringing her into a hug. "When i come back why don't we go get something to eat" I said to her as she relaxed in my arms. 

"I-I'll like that" She said with her head resting against me. 

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