Part 17

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*Tsunade's point of view* 

I felt some hands under my back and holding my legs up. I slowly open my eyes and see Shi was carrying me. "Shi you can put me down" i said softly. 

He nodded and slowly put me on the ground. "What happened to you two?" She asked

"Zabuza attacked us last night while you were sleeping" Shizune said.

"Wait what where is he?!" I asked getting my guard up. "Calm down my lady. Shi nearly killed Zabuza so they ran away" Shizune said. I widen my eyes. He was only six last time he walked and now when he wakes up he nearly killed one of the seven swordsmen of the mist. 

"How did he do that" I whispered into Shizune's ear. 

"Well you see my lady we highly underestimated his abilities he possesses the mangekyou sharingan." Shizune said. I widen my eyes slightly when did he see a loved one die?

"Hay Shi can you show me your Sharingan?" I asked 

"Umm yea sure" He said as he stood still. He closed his eyes before opening them again revealing the mangekyou sharingan.

"When did you achieve these eyes?" I asked. "if your asking when i felt my eyes change like this then it must be the death of my parents i saw." He said.

(For those who said to achieve the mangekyou is to steal your brother or sisters eyes then your wrong. The first part is to see someone close to you die that is how mangekyou is achieved. Eternal is achieved when you implant a brother / sisters or close expletive's eye to you. I hope that clears some things up) 

"I understand. Are you able to use a genjutsu?" I asked

"well no i not" He answered

"On the way there ill teach you a powerful genjutsu you must use when you activate your sharingan. It will let it look like you only have one tomu in your eye to everyone else but if you get in heavy conflict it will stop" I said. Suddenly a pair of arms stretch across my waist. 
"Thank you Tsu" Shi said while giving me a hug. 

"No problem" I said as i place my hand on his back. "Heck i might even teach you something else. We will be on the road for nearly a week" I said 

"Lets keep going we still have a long road ahead of us." i said as he let go and we kept walking. 

*Third hokage's point of view* 

I was busy with paper work. I was getting things ready for the academy exams so that students could become genin. 

Suddenly a bird landed in my window frame. It had a letter attached to it. I take the letter from the bird before it flew away. 

I read the front. "From Tsunade" 
I open it up and started to read. 


Hello there Sensei. Sorry for not writing and i am sorry on Jiraiya's behalf. 

A few years ago there was a hospital fire that was created by a unconscious Uchiha boy who was presumed dead. Jiraiya actually brought him to me so i could heal him we are on our way back to the leaf the time will most likely be a week. I vouch for this child allow him to take the genin exam. 


Tsunade Senju 


I was shocked at the letter. The Uchiha boy is alive. "Anbu" i said as one Anbu jumped in front of me. "Go get Sasuke Uchiha. tell him i need to see him" I said as the ninja nodded and disappeared . 

After a short while the Anbu ninja appeared in front of me with Sasuke. 

"Good to see you again Sasuke. I am thinking your wondering why i wanted to see you?" I asked

"Hn" Was all he answered. I slightly sweat drop at his answerer.

"Well why don't you sit down and ill tell you" 

"I don't feel like sitting just tell me what you want to say" he said.

"You know of your brother Shi" i said seriously.

"What of him he died thanks to Itachi what else do you want?" He said

"Your brother is alive" i said as Sasuke's eyes widen. "H-how?" i asked as i could see fear,desperation,worry and gilt in his black eyes. 

"When Itachi knocked Shi on the neck he put him in a coma. When the fire started in the hospital all those years ago a ninja took him to a medical leaf ninja to hope she would be able to heal him. To my surprise i just got a letter that said there on there way here." I said 

"How long?"Sasuke asked in a slight excited voice

"They will be here in a week. I want to ask do you want your brother to live with you?" I asked

"yes o-" i raised my hand in front of him. 

"You don't understand he would be tired. His body has not moved in a while so he will use a wheelchair for a while until his body is ready." i said. He looked down almost like rage taking over. 

"He is my brother of cores i want him to be with me" he said seriously. 

*Shi's point of view* 

We walked a good distance before Kurama finally spoke bringing me out of my thoughts. "get ready to fall Shi" I frowned until suddenly my legs gave out under me.

"Shi  are you ok!" Tsunade asked as she knelt down in front of me. "Yes i just ran out of chakra" i said. 

"Wait for what have you been using your chakra for?" She asked.

"I have been using them to enhance my body so i could move my tired limbs easily" I said while sighing. 
"Wait you had to focus on chakra there while you fought Zabuza that takes extremely high chakra control to keep up" She said shocked. 

"Well i am telling you this now and not again you will only do this when you need to fight otherwise ill get some one to carry you or get you a wheel chair. The more chakra control needed the more chakra you use" Tsu said in a serious tone not allowing any room for argument. 

"Fine" I said as she picked me up giving me a piggy back ride before continuing. 

"I must say that is a igneous idea to attach your nerves together with your chakra" Tsu said after a while of walking.

I kept my chakra allowing me to walk for around 19 hours before i got tired. That was with a small fight into it as well. 

*Itachi's point of view 5 years ago* 

I dodged a attack from my 6 year old brother. His eyes is already changed into a mangekyou. Where is all his power coming from. I quickly appeared behind him and knocked his neck with my hand. Suddely i noticed. I chopped my hand way too deep causing bleeding on Shi's neck. 

WHAT DID I DO?!?! I just wanted to end this quick but ....I KILLED MY BROTHER!?

Suddenly i started hearing ninja run after me. "I am so sorry Shi" i told him before starting to running. 

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