Part 76

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*3rd person point of view*

It's been a full month since the training started for the genin. In the past time new jutsu's were learn by some while new friendships were made by others. Shi just finished his final perpetrations for the fight that is to come. The streets of Konoha is now bustling with new faces. 

For some odd reason a lot more sand and sound ninja were here. This did set some ninja's off a bit but they let it go seeing as it is the chunin exams. 

At this moment of time Shi is about to enter the area where most genin are waiting. Unfortunately due to overexerting himself like usual, Naruto has been passed out in the hospital for the past three days he should be released today. 

Shi on the other hand had used this last month to mostly work on the jutsu Jiraiya accidentally gave him and also control his flames like he use to. Currently he can control it almost as good as it use to be in the other world. The only draw back at the moment is if he looses concentration he will increase the heat to high. 

Sasuke on the other hand was not seen at all by Shi. It was almost like Sasuke was trying to avoid his brother. This did leave Shi to wash his only pare of clothes in the nearby river since he did not want to break a window to get in. 

Soon enough Shi entered the general area where all the Chunin are. His eyes scanned over the area in hopes of seeing a certain red head but the boy is nowhere to be seen...'maybe he is taking a dump' Shi thought as he went to sit on top of the podium. His match was the final one right after Sasuke's.

"Can all fighters please come down to the arena" A Chunin said as he popped out of nowhere. With a quick nod from the examinees they all went and lined up on the arena floor. 

"Stand proud your the hero's of your villages" The man said before the Hokage began.  

"Welcome all to this years chunin selection exam. We have come to the final decisive battle between the 10 candidates standing there before you. We asks that no one leaves until all the matches have been completed. Now everyone enjoy" The Hokage said as his voice rang through the stadium. 

Shi quickly glanced over at the other examinees to see that Naruto actually made it. Unfortunately he had a serious look on his face. Shi recognized this look and knew now was not the best time to go chat with him. 

"i have a quick question for you. My opponent as well as Sasuke Uchiha is not here. What will happen if they do not arrive?" Shi asked. 

"Well good question. If they do not arrive on time the win will ultimately go to you and or Sasuke's opponent. But that is not necessarily a good thing seeing as you will also have less chances to prove yourself" The man said before leading the genin who are not fighting away from the area. 

The genin were now sitting on a specified podium area to wait for there match. Everyone looked at there opponent like they just stole the others sandwich. "Whats with this tension?" Shi asked softly as he entered the room. 

Suddenly and hand pas placed on Shi's shoulder. Quickly looking back he noticed Gaara was there. "Your not fighting in this first round" Gaara said confusing Shi. "What do you mean?" 

"I killed your opponent last night" Gaara said before walking away leaving a slightly stunned Shi. 

"What do you mean you killed him?" Shi asked as he quickly caught up and stood next to Gaara. "Last night while you were cuddling with that girl, your opponent Dozu came close and wanted to poison you by the looks of it. So i dealt with him before he had the chance" Gaara said as he leaned against the wall. 

"Why were you close?" Shi asked as a slight blush formed on his face. "I wont allow my only friend to die. Speaking of which, Shi i want you to go" Gaara said as he turned his head towards Shi giving him a stern look. 

"Why do i have to go and where do i have to go?"

"Get as far away from this village now. I dont want you to die in the crossfire. The sand allog with the sound village will attack today." Gaara said still giving a stern look towards Shi. "I cant do that Gaara. If i run today i will never forgive myself" Shi said calmly as he slumped down the wall so he could sit. 

Gaara let out a loud tsk before walking away. "As stubborn as ever" 

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