The Campfire

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Hester could feel herself sweating on the trapdoor, the scims wrapped around her.

Hester was normally unshakeable, but with not only her life in peril but almost all of her fellow questers... well, that was enough to mess with even a tough witch like her.

Her demon slammed against the chains on her neck, but it did nothing.

It didn't have full power until it was separated from her body.

She heard frantic squeaking beside her and looked over.

She saw Anadil, red eyes wide and terrified, trying to escape.

It did nothing but make the scims tighten around her neck.

Hester suddenly felt the all consuming need to comfort her.

That was certainly not her forte (and with these scims blocking her it was all but impossible), but she did her best.

She moved the only part of her body that she could without killing herself right there.

Her leg reached out, her foot grazing against Anadil's calf.

The albino jumped slightly before looking at her friend.

Hester gave her a comforting smile (at least she hoped it looked comforting, but she really wasn't good at that).

Anadil took a deep breath and gave her a thin smile of her own in return.

Hester wasn't sure if they were going to make it out of this one... but she did know one thing.

She was going to be there for Anadil until the bitter end.


The Snake tightened the scims around the young prince's neck and forced the crowd to scream.


Hester growled lowly, giving the Snake her best glare.

As soon as she got out of these scims she'd make him pay.

She glanced at Anadil

She was still trying to control her fear and Hester felt her heart ache.

She had to get out of here... for Anadil.


The Snake shuffled the deck filled with their faces on cards and Hester heard her heart beat in her ears.

As the Snake started to draw, Hester only had time for a single thought.

Please don't let it be Ani. Anyone but Ani.

Hester felt surprise ripple through her.

Shouldn't she be worried for herself?

Villains were supposed to be selfish... but she would honestly rather see her own face on that card than Anadil's.

The card was revealed and Kiko's trapdoor dropped from underneath her.

Hester watched in horror as her friend fell-

But she was caught a second before death by Agatha.

Hester let out a breath of relief.

The Snake glowered at Agatha before having Sophie draw a card.

Hester made the same wish, not caring whose face was on the card as long as it wasn't Anadil's.

Nicola's appeared and Hester's heart sank.

She'd really liked that Reader...

Sophie threw herself under Nicola and caught her at an odd angle, barely holding her up.

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