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Today was a... special day.

Today was Reveal Day.

Students walked the halls with silent prays and nervous twitches, all wondering what their reveal would be.

Hester wasn't nervous.

Okay, she was, but she was Hester Ravenswood! She wasn't going to show that she was worried.

She strode down the hallways like today was any other day of the year.

Like they weren't all going to have their second gender revealed at noon.

Whether they were Alphas, Betas, or Omegas.

Hester was sure she was the first option, of course.

By her sides, Dot and Anadil both walked.

The albino seemed nervous as well, but Hester locked eyes with her beady red ones and tried to convince her to calm down with a subtle hand on Anadil's arm.

The albino's eyes shot to Hester's hand and she blushed.

Anadil's dream had always been for her to be an Alpha.

Her and Hester, both Alphas together.

And yet...

Recently Anadil had gained a crush on Hester.

And Alphas couldn't be together. It was wrong and frowned upon. Illegal even.

Just like two Omegas.

Betas, however, could.

She found herself wondering if it would be so bad if one of them wasn't an Alpha...

She had always wanted to be one, but Anadil realized she would rather be together with Hester as an Omega than be just friends with Hester as an Alpha.

She wondered if that was overkill, but she couldn't help it.

Hester glanced at Anadil out of the corner of her eye, raising an eyebrow.

Hester found herself wondering what Anadil would be.

When Hester was young, and slightly naive, she would have said that Anadil being anything but an Alpha would be unacceptable.

But Hester had grown and seen the world in a different light that her Alpha mother had shown her.

She had friends that would clearly be Omegas by the end of the day, and she would still be friends with them.

But Hester was quite certain that Anadil would be an Alpha.

It was clear.

Hester glanced at her watch.


Just a little while longer before she would know for sure.

To her other side, her left, Dot was nervously twitching and fiddling with her backpack.

Dot's own second gender was quite clear, if you asked Hester.

She'd known since they were quite young, which was one of the reasons why she hadn't allowed herself to become friends with the girl for a while.

Dot still seemed nervous.

Hester turned into the cafeteria, looking for their table.

She finally spotted them and turned toward Agatha and the rest of them.

Agatha was leaning on Tedros, smiling and talking lightly.

Beside them, Hester could see Sophie hopelessly flirting with Nicola.

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