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Hester doesn't think that Anadil's rats can talk to Anadil and she tells them how she feels about Anadil.

Hester saw Anadil's three rats squabbling on the table and hissing at each other.

Their owner was in the library doing... something. Probably studying.

She'd left Hester in charge of her rats, something that never happened.

One of the rats tumbled off the table and Hester lunges forward to catch it in her palms.

"Don't want you falling down and hurting yourself," she muttered gently.

When nobody else was around, she allowed herself to let her guard down in a way she never did around people.

Well... sometimes she let it down around Anadil.

But she couldn't tell her everything.

There was something she'd never told anyone.

And that was something she intended to take to her grave.


Anadil felt like something was missing.

She wasn't certain if that something was her rats... or Hester.

She had left her rats behind for a very specific reason.

To spy on Hester.

She'd recently realized she had a crush on Hester.

She had left Hester alone with her rats once on accident and found that the other witch talked to herself.

And when the rats were there, she talked to them.

Anadil has been very shocked to find this out, but she had instantly used this to her advantage.

She would leave her rats behind every once in a while so that she could hear what Hester did when she was alone in their room.

She sometimes talked or read books that weren't for school.

Last time she had started to talk about something really important, having said to keep quiet before laughing and saying they couldn't even say anything.

But then Anadil had walked in and ruined the whole thing.

She shook her head and sighed at the memory.

She planned on giving it a good hour and a half before going back.

That should give Hester enough time to say something about what she'd started last time.

She loved hearing what Hester said because she always acted so... cute about it.

When she didn't think people were watching, she was kind of... sweet and open.


Hester sighed and laid down on her bed.

"I feel like you three are my therapists."

The rats squeaked and continued to roughhouse on the table beside her.

"There's something I need to say... and I shouldn't be saying it to you three. I should be saying it to Ani."

The rats looked up, their interests peaked as they knew their master's would be.

"I..." Hester sighed and shook her head.

The rats scuttled across the table, eager to hear what she had to say.

"I think I'm in love."

The rats stared at her with wide eyes.

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