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A/N: This was requested by @cookie_milk19 and I really hope you like it! I know it's only 842 words, but I hope that's alright!

Hester and Anadil had been pranking the first years quite thoroughly the past week.

First, they'd put itching powder in all the uniforms just before they were passed out.

Next, they'd messed with the Malice hallway and made the floors like quicksand.

They'd made fake walls that caused students to reach fake dead ends and get lost.

Hester had originally been doing it to toughen up the little Nevers, but now she was finding that every time she did it she would be rewarded with Anadil's bright red eyes lighting up and her lips curling into a cruel smirk.

And now she was trying her hardest to come up with the most elaborate and hilarious pranks she could to get Anadil to look at her like that.

There was something wrong with Hester.

Every time that Anadil did that, Hester found that her face would heat up and her heart would start beating twice as fast.

So that's how she ended up turning a whole classroom and its supplies into chocolate with Dot's reluctant help.

Anadil and herself were now in the dean's office with Sophie trying to scold them.

It was rather funny and Hester had to bite down on her lip to keep from laughing when Sophie started talking about "upholding evil honor" and looked up at Hester with a small frown, like she wanted to be able to leer over her.

But Sophie was laughably shorter than her and she just ended up staring up at Hester with a scowl and a forced stern expression.

Hester and Anadil had been told to pick up the room they had "destroyed" but all three of them knew that wasn't going to happen, so wolves were already being sent to clean it up.

The two witches were walking down the hall toward their room when Anadil was suddenly smirking.

But that smirk turned into a grin and then a full blown laugh.

She hunched over and her eyes lit up with joy.

She glanced at Hester, trying to control her very malicious sounding cackles.

"Did you see her face?!"

Hester was just staring at Anadil.

Light came in from the red-tinted side window and illuminated Anadil in a villainous lighting that would usually be seen in fairytales.

Her hair was slightly messed up from the rats that ran through it, said rats were actually laughing at the moment alongside her, a rough and grating sound.

And to any Ever or even most Nevers she would have looked absolutely terrifying.

Mothers would be hiding their children and princesses would faint while their princes drew their swords despite their shaking knees.

But Hester was enamored, watching the way Anadil's bright red eyes glistened with ill intent.

Hester found that she had been staring for two long and she cough, feeling her face rush with heat.

"Yeah, it was pretty funny."

Anadil kept laughing and Hester watched from the corner of her eye.

She wasn't the classic definition of it, but Hester found Anadil to be the most gorgeous woman in the world.

The Evers had their perfect hair and forms, their lovable smiles and eyelashes.

But Anadil was... she was everything Hester wanted.

She didn't worry about her looks and yet somehow the Evers couldn't hold a candle to her.

So as Anadil leaned a bit toward Hester for some unknown reason, Hester finally realized what was wrong with her.

What had been making her go insane about these pranks and what made her heart hammer in her chest.

She looked at Anadil, her eyes wide and disbelieving.

She couldn't...

And yet she did.

She had a crush on Anadil.

Several choice words flew through her head and she tried to deny it.

But when Anadil started to laugh again, not a melodious and perfect sound but a rough and gravelly sound like nails on a chalkboard (or at least the closest humanly possible equivalent of that), Hester felt her heart stutter in her chest.

She couldn't deny it any longer.

She had a crush on Anadil, if not something more.

She felt her face heating up again and she cursed the albino in her head.

Why did she have to do this to her?!

Anadil didn't seem to notice Hester was having an existential crisis and went right on talking.

"Your prank with the classroom was the best of the bunch. I'm just surprised Dot wasn't called in with us."

Hester felt her heart do a very Ever-like flutter at the compliment.

She forced herself to nod.

"Yeah, uh, I was surprised too."

Anadil said something else, but Hester could barely focus on it with the way Anadil gestured with her hands.

She only did that when she was particularly upset or excited about something.

And Hester noticed every time.

She noticed all of Anadil's little quirks.

She guessed that was a sign about how long she'd had a crush on the albino.

Hester let out a low growl and forced her eyes to the hallway in front of her.


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