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Hester turned around to look at Anadil, intent to silently ask her take on something that had happened in class.

But Anadil was already talking to... Mona.

Hester frowned for a moment before looking back at the teacher.

She glanced at Anadil out of the corner of her eye.

She snickered at something Mona had said.

Hester's stomach twisted and growled lowly.

She ignored Anadil for a minute and missed the albino witch sneaking a glance at her as well, eyes narrowing.

Hester wondered why Anadil was spending so much time with Mona today.

Usually she would hardly speak to anyone that wasn't her or Dot.

It was weird to not have all of Anadil's attention on her.

Usually she was the soul focus and Anadil was hers.

It made her feel oddly... angry?

But it wasn't quite anger.

She raised an eyebrow as she continued to try and classify what she was feeling.


Anadil shot another glance at Hester.

She wasn't sure why she was doing this.

She just wanted to have Hester... be jealous.

She wanted Hester to show that she cared about having Anadil's attention.

But so far Hester hadn't done anything.

She tried not to be disappointed.

She heard the wolves howl to signal the end of class and she stood.

Hester stalked over and thrust Anadil's bag at her.

Anadil caught it and looked at Hester, eyes goin a bit wide.

"Come on. We don't want to be late," Hester growled out.

Anadil followed her out and saw the tattooed witch glare at Mona.

Anadil found herself smirking.

It was working!


Anadil did the same thing in their next class.

Instead of talking to Hester, she talked to Arachne.

Hester bristled at her desk.

What was Anadil up to?

She glanced at her every once in a while before growling and trying to focus on the teacher.


This pattern went on for two more classes before anyone said anything.

And the person that mentioned the elephant in the room was not either of the two that really should have.

It was Arachne.

"Ani, what are you doing?" she asked.

Anadil glanced back at her, having been side eyeing Hester.

"What do you mean?" Anadil asked.

"Why are you trying to make Hester upset?"

Anadil blushed slightly and gave Arachne her full attention.

"I'm not."

The one-eyed girl gave her a serious look.

"Are you trying to make her jealous?"

Hestadil One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now