First Year

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Hester had her practiced, disinterested scowl on her face.

She had worked to make it look like she didn't care about anything.

But she really was excited for the school year.

She was going to prove she was an even better witch than her mother.

She wouldn't make the same mistakes.

All she needed was to be class captain and have a good henchman at her side.

She had no intention of making friends.

But then she met her.

Hester was unpacking her small bag on her bed when the door creaked open.

Soft steps sounded and she turned around.

The slow steps came from a Never with pale white skin and beady red eyes.

Rats poked their heads out of her tunic and eyed Hester with narrowed suspicion.

Hester raised an eyebrow and gave the girl a once over with her eyes.

She spotted the bracelet on her wrist and nodded, instantly recognizing it.

This girl must be related to the White Witch.

The girl walked slowly and gently, something that Hester took as a weakness instantly.

She was unsure of herself, obviously.

The girl set her own bag on the middle bed beside Hester's and the tattooed girl raised an eyebrow.

She didn't look up as Hester continued to watch her, looking for weaknesses.

When the girl finally turned around, her eyes met Hester's with surprising force.

From the way she had walked in, Hester assumed she would have been more frightened.

But she didn't seem like that in the slightest.

"Who are you?" Hester asked gruffly.

"Anadil," she said simply, eyeing her as well.

Hester felt uncomfortable, but she didn't allow herself to shift uncomfortably like she wanted to.

She had never cared what anyone thought about her, but this slow and deliberate inspection made her feel... nervous?

She shoved that from her mind.

"And you are?" the girl, Anadil, asked harshly.


The albino nodded and her gaze landed on Hester's neck.

She raised an eyebrow and Hester looked at her rats with the same look.

The two nodded and Hester felt a weird sensation flow through her.

It was like the two of them had just had a conversation... without words?

She'd never done that before.

But they'd clearly communicated their talents.

The door opened and a third form came in, grinning.

Hester and Anadil looked at her with the same disgusted look on their faces.

"Hi! I'm Dot!" she said cheerfully.

Hester instantly disliked her.

She was more of an Ever than a Never.

Anadil seemed to have the same idea.

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