Hanahaki- Hester

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A/N: This is part two of the hanahaki request from dontjudgeimmafangirl

"There's something I have to tell you," Hester whispered.

She took a deep breath before telling Anadil her story.


Hester wasn't sure what was going on.

One day everything was fine and then the next she was coughing up pale white roses.

The first time it happened, she'd been sitting in their dorm room and her hand had brushed against Anadil's.

The two had locked eyes and suddenly Anadil had bolted from the room, making some excuse.

Hester would have thought it odd if she hadn't been immediately distracted by suddenly coughing.

Not just regular coughing.

No, this was on another level.

This here was her almost coughing her lungs out of her throat.

Something did in fact come up when she coughed, but instead of a lung she found a small pale white rose.

She stared at it in shock.

What just happened?!


Hester had gone to the library soon after to look for any book that might have to do with coughing up flowers.

But the only book she could find was already checked out.

It had been two days ago.

Did that mean... this was happening to someone else too?

Hester hoped so.

If it was, then she wasn't the only one and, although it was selfish, she didn't want to be alone.

A Never being selfish?

Who would have thought.

But Hester's mind turned back to the moment she had first coughed it up.

She had been sitting with Anadil.

The albino was just so close and she could feel the little bit (barely any at all) of warmth coming off of the girl.

Anadil was always cold, she knew this both from the girl's complaints and the few times they had touched before, but of course she couldn't just radiate cold.

Hester had had the strangest urge.

She wanted to warm the girl.

To hold her.

Just remembering that made Hester's throat tickle and she felt like she was about to start coughing up flowers.

She started cursing quietly, wondering when her life had gone so far down hill that she could actually think about coughing up flowers.

It was insane.

But the world was insane and the only way to live in such a world was to be insane yourself.

So Hester pushed away her disbelief and focused on what she could do.

No ideas came to mind and she ended up almost throwing the next person she saw out of the window.

Almost meaning that she had remembered when she and Anadil had come close to throwing Sophie out of the window before.

She remembered that was the first day she met Anadil.

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