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The time spent in Avalon preparing for the war against the School Master was some of the most stressful, worrisome, and confusing time of Hester's life.

She knew what she had to do.

She had known from the moment she had seen the old villains come back.

She had to kill her mother.

She knew what she said.

She shouldn't care.

It wasn't her mom.

It was a zombie that had come here to kill thousands.

She may be evil, but not like that.

It was like Lady Lesso always said.

True evil was accepting good as your equal.

And that meant she couldn't let the world be unbalanced.

And she could put up her facade in front of the others...

But that night she couldn't stop herself.

Agatha had given the Coven the bed in her place and the three were curled up like puppies together.

She could hear Dot snoring from where she lay sprawled out partially on Anadil with one of her hands on Hester's pillow.

She could also feel Anadil's steady, rhythmic breathing from where her arm hung loosely around her waist.

She finally let herself do the unthinkable.

She cried.

She cried for what she had to do.

She cried because she was here, plotting how to kill her mother's zombie with the people that had killed her the first time.

She didn't want to admit it, but she took comfort in her friends on the bed beside her.

Especially Anadil.

The albino was laying on her back with one leg sprawled over both of Hester's own and her pale white hair in a clump on the pillow.

Hester held Anadil a bit tighter.

If anyone had asked about it, she would have denied it vehemently before throwing the offender off of a cliff.

Anadil moved slightly and Hester looked over, finding red eyes meeting her own.

The other witch didn't speak, instead just putting her arm around Hester's shoulders and allowing her to move closer.

Hester held out for about thirty seconds before she put her head on Anadil's shoulder, allowing herself to cry again.

Anadil stroked her lightly, not saying a word.

Hester appreciated the silence.

This was already the most embarrassing thing she thought she had ever done and it would have been even worse if her friend had commented on it.

Anadil seemed to worry about being called a henchman.

And Hester had even called her one before.

She was, technically.

But Hester didn't see her that way.

Not when she was crying into her shoulder like some Ever.

Because Hester wasn't acting like a leader at all.

And Anadil wasn't acting like a henchman either.

Anadil rubbed her back for who knows how long.

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