Hanahaki- Anadil

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A/N: This is part one of the hanahaki request from dontjudgeimmafangirl


A four letter word, just like many other vile terms she could think of.

Disgust washed over Anadil.

Nevers really weren't supposed to love.

Even though they were technically allowed to ever since The Tale of Agatha and Sophie.

But, being the Never traditionalist that Anadil was, she still didn't believe that Nevers should love.

That being said, she was already in love.

She'd fallen for not just anyone, but another Never.

A Never that was, just by her luck, against Nevers falling in love.

A Never that, of course, had to not just be her best friend (a girl), but also the top Never (as Sophie had become the Dean).


Yes, she, Anadil of Bloodbrook, had fallen for Hester of Ravenswood.

Anadil had been able to ignore the deep feelings she had for her best friend.

That is until she had started coughing up roses, roses the exact color of Hester's finger glow.

She'd looked up what could possibly cause her to cough up flowers.

And she'd found the disease hanahaki.

A disease that caused the inflicted to cough up flowers when they were faced with unrequited love.

There were only three ends to this disease.

1. Die.

2. Gain the heart of her beloved (a sentence that had made Anadil almost throw up... and then actually cough up roses).

3. A surgery to remove both her disease and feelings for Hester.

Option three was the preferable option.

She could get rid of her terrible, very inconvenient feelings for Hester as well as her possible death.

And, despite the stinging feeling in her heart at the very idea of removing her love for Hester, she decided to go for that one.

That is until she saw that there was nobody within fifty kingdoms that could preform this surgery.


That left option one and two.

She almost wished to choose the first.

Death with Hester at her side and actually caring for her in her last moments instead of attempting to tell Hester her feelings, getting rejected, and then dying on her own with perhaps Dot consoling her as she choked to death on roses that proclaimed her treacherous feelings.

But, she supposed, she had to at least try, didn't she?

She took a moment to consider.

Yes, yes she supposed she had to at least try.

She sighed and shook her head.

How was she going to do this?

It seemed impossible.


Anadil took a deep breath.

She needs to tell Hester something.

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