Soulmate AU

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A/N: This got requested! Hope I did it justice!

It was common knowledge that every living person, Ever or Never, had a small tattoo on their wrist that was supposed to lead them to their soulmate.

But the difference between Evers and Nevers was that one of them hid their marks. Anyone could guess which group did that.

Hester played with the small black bracelet around her wrist, trying not to remember what she'd found last night when she'd looked under it.

She hadn't ever looked under it before in her life, something that the greatest villains were all rumored to do.

Not until last night.

She really hadn't meant to look, but she'd woken up in the middle of night to see that the bracelet had ridden up.

She'd seen something...

Well, she couldn't describe it. It was terrible, and yet some part of her (a part she hated and wanted nothing more than to exterminate) had been thrilled to no end.

She'd seen a small pile of three rats that were curled up on top of each other.

She recognized the rats, each by their number, easily.

Hester ran a hand through her hair and groaned, trying to focus on the lesson they were learning.

But she couldn't.

After a moment, Anadil nudged her shoulder and frowned.

She raised a single pale eyebrow, but Hester could tell what she was trying to say.

What's wrong with you?

Hester glared daggers at her, which made Anadil slink back, her beady red eyes looking slightly hurt before turning apathetic.

Hester was mad at her, yes she certainly was, but not because Anadil had done anything.

Other than be Hester's soulmate that is.

Yes, Hester was able to live in denial quite easily (which was how she was able to ignore the feelings she knew she'd always had for Anadil), but she couldn't deny the chilling fact that she knew Anadil was her soulmate.

And, like all Nevers, she was sure she was not her soulmate's soulmate.

That's why Nevers hated the idea of soulmates.

Evers found their soulmates and got to be with them.

Nevers got to find them and suffer.

Well, Hester was certainly suffering.

There were a lot of things that she hadn't noticed about Anadil before.

The way her eyes lit up when she had a dastardly idea.

How when she snickered her rats would join in on her shoulders.

The way she was... well, she wasn't perfect. She was a Never, after all, and was on track to be a henchman. But Hester didn't know how anyone could see her as anything but perfect.

Hester groaned.

She wished she'd never looked at her tattoo.


Anadil had no idea what was wrong with Hester. She'd been pissy all day, moping and groaning, occasionally brooding in the corner.

And all of this was normal for Nevers.

But not for Hester.

When Hester was upset, she would curse (both with her words and with spells) and formulate evil plans to get back at her enemies.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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