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A/N: I wrote this in like fifteen minutes. Hope it's good!

Anadil felt herself stop breathing.

What did that mean?!

Had Hester... had she just...

Anadil still wasn't breathing and she didn't care.

What had Hester done to her?!

Was that some sort of spell she wasn't aware of?!

She'd never heard of a spell being cast like... that!

Was that possible?!

She was certain that further research would be necessary.

But right now they were busy pulling a prank on Hort and Ravan.

She couldn't just go look up if... that could cause a curse.

She wasn't sure why she was so reluctant to call it what it was.

But Hester had certainly done something to her.

By means of a...

She took a breath before admitting it to herself.

By means of a wink.

Hester had winked at her.

It was a perfect picture in Anadil's mind.

Hester's short black and red hair had been blown back by the sudden wind from the opened door a few feet away, her lips were turned into a wide mischievous grin, and her flinty black eyes... one of them had closed.

Just for a moment.

But that one moment was enough to make Anadil's whole body suddenly burst into flames.

But somehow... these flames didn't hurt.

How had the other witch done that to her?!

Anadil's face still felt hot and she couldn't tear her eyes away from Hester.

"They're coming," Hester whispered in her low, husky voice.

Anadil had never thought about Hester's voice before, but now she was. It wasn't gentle or soft like countless Evergirls, but it was deep. Not deep like the annoying Never and Everboys, but just... husky.

She'd never noticed a lot of things.

Like the way Hester's red hair glinted in the light.

Or the way her lips looked when she had mischief on the mind.

Or the way her eyes looked when she was planning. The were black as could be, but somehow they seemed to glow. Not like the glow of most colors, but the kind of glow only the darkest black could be. Like it engulfed in the light around it instead of emanating with it. She'd never realized how much Hester's eyes summed up her personality.

She'd never realized a lot of things.

Like how Hester's leg bounced when she was nervous or excited.

Or how beautiful she was. Not like those Evergirls. No. She was... more. Like she was a different kind of beautiful. Most girls were compared to the sun coming out after a rainy day, appearing in the darkest hour to light up your life. But Hester was that darkest hour. That moment when the sun was completely obscured by the darkest storm clouds and rain and hail struck the ground in a merciless onslaught. It was a showcase of raw, destructive power.

Anadil had never found anything more beautiful in that darkest second before the sun would win out, trampling that which brought the world into darkness that seemed unending.

That is until she met Hester.

How had Hester done all that to her with a simple wink?!

Anadil had no answer to her question.

Hester was laughing now, a low snickering sound that would have been the perfect witch cackle.

Anadil was in awe.

Not because of how well she had emulated the greats, not because they were taught to be amazed by such cackles.


She was in awe of the joy that showed in Hester's eyes as she laughed.

How could anyone think Hester was ugly?!

How could those Evergirls think such things?!

Because, just like Evil love, Never beauty was something else, something the complete opposite of Evers and Good love.

Anadil felt her face heating up even more.

What had Hester done to her?!

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