Finger Glow

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When Anadil first started at the School for Evil, she was excited to get her finger glow unlocked.

And she made the best of it, having fun with pulling pranks on Evers and Nevers alike with Hester at her side (although whenever someone referred to them, it was obviously Anadil by Hester's side. But for once she was okay with that).

And she loved her finger glow.

It accompanied her through all her time at school and she was able to use it as a nice metaphor for her school life and friendships alike.

And Anadil had never thought she would come to the point where she hated that finger glow.

In fact, if someone had told her that in their first year, she would have called them insane and then cursed them with said finger.

But it was their last year at school, right after they had defeated the School Master and his army of creepy zombies, and she hated her finger glow.

It all started one day in Advanced Henchman Training.


Anadil was seated beside Hester, as usual, when the tattooed witch had leaned over to whisper an insult in her ear.

As soon as Hester got that close, Anadil's finger suddenly glowed a bright green color.

Hester glanced at it and raised an eyebrow at Anadil.

She was silently asking if Anadil had some sort of plan.

Anadil shook her head just slightly in confusion.

She looked down at her finger and her eyes widened, looking at the glowing green color.

Hester shrugged and turned back to the professor to listen.

Anadil saw her finger dim as Hester leaned away.

She frowned and shook her head, shoving the weird occurrence from her mind.


The second time it happened, the coven was just having lunch on their normal bench later that day.

Dot had flopped down beside Hester and shoved her against Anadil.

Her finger had turned a bright green color and she hurriedly hid her hand under her pile of books before Hester could see it.

She didn't know what was happening.

Why was this happening to her glow?

She glanced back at it and saw it still hadn't dimmed.

She felt her heartbeat going wild as Hester brushed against her.

Her pointer finger turned brighter than ever before, even when her life had been in jeopardy.

She felt heat rush to her face and she wondered if her glow could be defective.

Something had to be wrong with it to be acting like this.

She should speak to a teacher.

For now, she just kept her finger hidden under her books until it dimmed.

That took about three minutes.

She, logically, knew she shouldn't worry about her finger glowing like this if something was just wrong with it...

But she didn't like the idea of Hester seeing it for some reason.


Anadil had forgotten about it by that night.

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