Chapter 3

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I drove to work and saw Chase on the cashier.
Elisabeth: "Hey! Got anything you need me to organize?" He looks under the counter and pulls out a box full of records.
Chase: "a lot" he pats the box.
Elisabeth: "thanks" I carry the box of records and organize them to each letter. I laugh when I saw section B. I pull out one of The Beatles album. Please Please Me. You see, Chase and Sadie works at the cashier, me, I work for organizing. I wonder what the boys are doing?
Paul's POV
Paul, "guys don't make a mess! Elisabeth will get mad at us."
John: "whatever you say so Macca" he pats my back.
George: "I'm hungry!" He complains.
Ringo: "you're always hungry"
Paul: "sorry George, we have to wait" he groans.
Ringo: "What now?" We all started to think.
John: "lets watch some television" John manages to turn the television on. We all sat on the couch and watch.
John: "the television is so big and flat!"
George: "it's not like in the 60s where it looks like a box" we laugh.
Elisabeth's POV
My shift was over, I went thru the drive thru and got McDonalds for the boys and I. I drove back to the apartment.
Elisabeth: "hello hello, I got food for us!" They cheered. We sat on the chairs of the kitchen island.
Elisabeth: "here you guys go" I gave all of them burgers and fries.
Paul: "Thank you Elisabeth, you're super kind" I smile and look down. I look up and blush.
Elisabeth: "why your welcome" he winks at me. At this point I felt like I was going to faint! We ate our food. George finish quickly, I guess he was hungry. I got up look at my calendar.
Elisabeth: "YES, no work tomorrow!" I cheer.
Ringo: "that's good" he smiles. I sat down with them and started to eat.
Paul: "so Elisabeth, What's your life story" I smile.
Elisabeth: "well, I'm 18 years old, I work at a record store with my two best friends, Chase and Sadie, I've known them since middle school, I really love the 60s, 70s, and 80s."
George: "interesting"
Elisabeth, "what about you guys?" I said while eating a piece of a fry.
John: "I don't know just some kids from Liverpool"
Elisabeth: "don't worry you guys will get famous later in the years"
George: "really?! What else?" I cringe.
Elisabeth: "and umm.. you guys broke up due to some differences and um...John and George...will you guys..."
John: "died?" I nodded.
George: "How?"
Elisabeth: "well in 1980 John got shot and George you died from lung cancer from smoking those cigarettes in 2001" Paul looked shocked and drops a fry.
Elisabeth: "oh and John! If you meet someone name Yoko Ono please be careful and beware of the gun shot. George stop smoking those cigarettes"
George: "okay I'll try" I smile.
I gave the boys some pajamas they can use. Don't ask why but anyways, everybody fell asleep but I didn't. I stay up, I hear a soft knock on my door. I open it and it was Paul.
Elisabeth: "Hey need anything?"
Paul: "I can't sleep"
Elisabeth: "want to sleep here, it's more relaxing" he smiles.
Paul: "sure" he walks in my room, he looks around and I sat on my bed.
Paul: "is it okay if I um" I already knew what he was about to say. I lie on my bed and pat the other side.
Elisabeth: "sure" he lies next to me. I pull the covers for both of us. He turns over to me.
Paul: "I'm sorry if this is making you uncomfortable"
Elisabeth: "not at all" he smiles and blushes.
Paul: "Good night"
Elisabeth: "Good night" I close my eyes and fell asleep....

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