Chapter 2

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Elisabeth's POV
I scream like bloody murder! Why are The Beatles at my apartment?! They all look shocked and put there hands up.

Elisabeth's POVI scream like bloody murder! Why are The Beatles at my apartment?! They all look shocked and put there hands up

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Elisabeth: "WHAT THE FU-"
Ringo: "We can explain!" He comes closer to me.
Elisabeth: "DONT HURT ME!" I protect myself.
John: "we're not going to hurt you" he rubs my hand.
Elisabeth: "ho- how did you get here?"
Paul: "we were running from fans and we decided to hide in a dumpster, we go inside the dumpster and it started to shake."
George: "all a sudden we got dizzy and ended up here!" He finishes Paul's story.
Elisabeth: "I guess you guys time travel here" they all look at each other.
The Beatles: "TIME TRAVEL?" They yell.
John: "if we time travel, what year is it?"
Elisabeth: "2019" there eyes wide open.
Ringo: "that's 54 years long!" They all gasp.
George: "well what now" they all shrug.
Elisabeth: "you guys can stay with me, I live alone and besides, I don't want to leave you guys on the streets" they all agree.
Elisabeth: "okay I have one extra bedroom"
Ringo: "I CALL THE BEDROOM!" I laugh.
Elisabeth: "Alright then, two people take the couches and someone sleeps on the floor"
Paul: "I call the couch!"
George: "me too!" We all look at John.
John: "I guess I'll sleep on the floor" we all laugh.
Paul: "I'm sorry dear we forgot to ask, what's your name?"
Elisabeth: "Elisabeth"
John: "lovely! I'm John, that's Ringo, that's George and this is Paul" he points at each of them.
Elisabeth: "you didn't have to introduce, I already know your guys name" I laugh.
All the boys were sleeping and so was I. They all snore pretty loudly but they're The Beatles!
The next morning...
I woke up early, did my morning routine and dress into my job uniform. I quietly walk to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast for the boys. They eventually woke up.
Paul: "hi Elisabeth, watcha making?" He stands nexts to me.
Elisabeth: "pancakes" I smile. We stared at each other, smiling and blushing until George yells....
George: "PANCAKES!" Paul and I broke eye contact, I look at George and laugh. Ringo comes in and wakes up John.
They all sat on the chairs of the kitchen island. I serve them the food.
George: "mmmm these pancakes taste good!" I smile.
Elisabeth: "thanks George, I'm leaving for work now, I'll bring some food when I come back, don't make a mess"
John: "we won't"
Elisabeth: "okay then bye!" I wave to them and left the apartment. I hope they don't ruin the apartment....

Adventures In Babysitting The Beatles Where stories live. Discover now