Chapter 6

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The next day....
I went to work and ran inside.
Sadie: "Elisabeth! What's the rush?" She comes towards me.
Elisabeth: "it's Paul" her eyes wide open.
Elisabeth: "he-he almost....kiss me...." She squeals loudly.
Elisabeth: "almost"
Sadie: "you and Paul are soon going to be the best couple!"
Chase: "I one hundred percent agree with Sadie for once"
Elisabeth: "you guys" I softly said while getting the box fill with new records.
I drove back home and it was late. I open the door and see the boys softly asleep, where's Paul though? I shower, brush my teeth and change into my pajamas. I walk inside my room and saw Paul sitting on my bed.
Paul: "hi Elisabeth" he said quietly and smiles.
Elisabeth: "hi, you've been waiting for me?"
Paul: "yeah" I blush and look down.
Paul: "I'm here to finish what happen in the kitchen" ah yes...the kiss. I laugh lovingly.
Paul: "May I?" He comes closer to me.
Elisabeth: "yes, yes you may" he touches a part of my hair, and kisses me. I kiss back. We pull our lips apart. We look at each other.
Paul: "I've wanted to do that for a long time you know"
Elisabeth: "I did as well, I always told myself not to" we kiss again. We lie on my bed.
Paul: "I don't want to leave you if I have to go back"
Elisabeth: "I don't you to leave either" after that we both fall asleep.....
I woke up and quietly walk to the bathroom. I did my usual morning routine and dress into my job uniform. I walk to the kitchen to make breakfast. I decided to make oatmeal. While making it. John comes in.
John: "hello darling"
Elisabeth: "hi" I said shyly. Paul comes in.
Paul: "ello John, hi Elisabeth"
John: "hello macca"
Elisabeth: "hi" I stir the oatmeal with a big spoon.
Elisabeth: "when is George and Ringo ever going to get up" I mumble to myself.
Elisabeth: "GEORGE! RINGO! WAKE YOUR ASS UP! John laughs and rubs my shoulder. I swear this boy is trying to do something. In the corner of my eye I see Paul glaring him. He pushes John away and gets closer to me.
John: "ow! Why did you do that!"
Paul: "you're getting a little to close my dear" George and Ringo come in.
Ringo: "hello Elisabeth" he kisses my cheek.
Paul: "stay away from her" he slaps his arm.
George: "it's not like you're dating her"
Elisabeth, "ANYWAYS! Heres breakfast, I gotta go, see ya!" I left the apartment.
Paul's POV
I sit down and started eating.
George: "so you have a thing for Elisabeth?" I smile and blush.
Ringo: "admit it! You love her!"
Paul: "fine! I do.."
All except Paul: "ooooooooo"
John: "I understand, she's a real beauty, shes more beautiful than any girls from our time"
George: "that's true" he says while eating.
Ringo: "did anything happen last night. I remember you told us you were waiting for Elisabeth"
George: "yeah! What happen!" I blush while remembering the night.
Paul: "well she came back, I told her and...."
George: "AND WHAT!" He says excitingly.
Paul: "we kiss...." the boys cheer. Now I regret telling them...

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