Chapter 17

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First he said shut the fuck up to me. Now he's saying that to John. I can't take another risk. I look down and glance at my necklace that Paul gave to me. I slowly take off the necklace. Paul opens his eyes wide open.
Ringo: "lets get inside the car" he said to George and John so he can leave us in private. They got inside the car.
Elisabeth: "keep this for Jane" I gave him the necklace.
Paul: "no no Elisabeth this is too far. I'm sor-"
Elisabeth: "save it" I said with no emotion. Tears started streaming down his face. The wind started blowing slowly.
Elisabeth: "Jane is better for you. I'm just some girl from the future" I said quietly.
Paul: "no no, I don't want whoever Jane is. I want you." I nod.
Elisabeth: "no, I can't be with you. I'm from 2019, you're from 1965." I started tearing up.
Paul: "but I love you" I look down.
Elisabeth: "I'm sorry" I whisper. He goes to the trunk and pulls out a guitar.
Paul: "I made this song for you" he starts playing the beginning of Yesterday.

After he finished singing I look at him.
Elisabeth: "didn't you wrote that for no reason, in real life you did but wrote it for me?"
Paul: "well...yes. I knew that someday this might happen but here we are."
Elisabeth: "do you love me?"
Paul: "of course I do, I'm sorry I acted stupid."
Elisabeth: "you will always be forgiven" he puts the necklace on me, we smiled and kissed. The boys got out the car.
Elisabeth: "were you listen to us?"
George: "yeah, it was some good tea" he jokingly said. I giggle.
Elisabeth: "Anyways, how are we going to get a new tire?" We looked around our surroundings. I saw a tire shop.
Elisabeth: "guys! A tire shop!"
Ringo: "yay!" We walk to the tire shop and saw two men. We asked if they can fix the tire. They said yes but it was 200 cash! I only have my credit card and a 20 dollar bill. Thank god the boys are here and help me pay the rest. Well mostly John but other wise, we gave them the money and they said it'll take an hour. While waiting for the tire to get fixed. We were thinking what should we do for an hour. John saw a club happening and begged me to all of us go. I told him no but his puppy eyes made me say yes.
Sadie's POV
Sadie: "WHY IS ELISABETH TAKING FOREVER?!" I yelled to Chase.
Chase: "she might gotten into traffic" he said calmly. I sat on the benches, hoping for Elisabeth to come.
Elisabeth's POV
We walk inside the club. It kind of felt weird in here, maybe that's because I've never been to a club. There are a group of guys on stage and we been getting pushed. Suddenly we stood on stage.
guy 1: "I see we have some people who wants to sing"
Elisabeth: "sorry I accidentally got up he-"
guy: "it's fine darling, just sing your heart out! Introduce yourself." He gives me the microphone. I took the microphone and got a good look at the crowd.
Elisabeth: "My name is Elisabeth, Elisabeth Jones, I was alone at my apartment until these boys came into my life." I pointed my thumb towards the boys. A chord from a guitar played.
Elisabeth: "they are boys who act like kids and they drive me nuts!" I start to sing. The song was about to begin......

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