Chapter 14

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The evening....
I was cleaning a bit of the house, I hear my iphone ring. I pick up my phone and pressed the answer button.
Phone call
Elisabeth: "hello?" I said while putting my hands on my hips.
Sadie: "Elisabeth! Thank god you answered! I need help immediately!"
Elisabeth: "What happened?"
Sadie: "Chase and I were going somewhere until the train stopped working! We were about the go back but CHASE lost the map and we don't know where we are supposed to go!"
Elisabeth: "hold on, I'll come and pick you guys up from the train station"
Sadie: "OKAY THANK YOU" I hung up and went to the closet to find my coat. The boys came down the hallway.
John: "where are you going?"
Elisabeth: "I need to pick up my friends" I said while putting one arm in a sleeve of my coat.
Ringo: "can we come?"
Elisabeth: "you guys can't" Ringo comes towards me and started giving me his puppy eyes. I groan.
Elisabeth: "fine" They cheered. We got ready, I lock the front door and we went inside my car.
Elisabeth: "shit! How are we going to sit on the seats when we pick up Sadie and Chase!" I hit myself in the forehead.
Paul: "don't worry darling we'll figure something out along the way"
Paul: : "NO I GET SHOTGUN!" I laugh.
Elisabeth: "you boys" I said quietly. After John and Paul were fighting over who gets the front seat. John eventually won. We got inside the car. I was driving, John was on the passenger seat, George, Paul, and Ringo were in the back. George was in the left, Ringo was in the middle, and Paul was on the right. The sunset started setting and the wind blew easily.
Elisabeth: "lets go!" Ringo jump on his seat like a little boy. I started the car and we start driving. At night in the middle of the highway, we all were quiet until Ringo spoke up.
Ringo: "can you tell a story?" He asks me.
Elisabeth: "okay" I smile.
Elisabeth: "there was a man name Ringo Starr" Ringo giggles.
Elisabeth: "he was very popular by joining a band called The Beatles, but one day they decided to go into a haunted house" Ringo jumps of fear.
Elisabeth: "they walk inside the house, cobwebs and dust was the only thing they saw, until one of them bumps into a man" George gasps.
George: "What man?!"
Elisabeth: "a man with A HOOK IN HIS HAND AND BEGAN TO STAB THE BOYS!" They all scream. I laugh while keeping my eyes on the road.
Ringo: "oh no! I'm dead!" He covers his face. The car ride was silent until Ringo spoke up.
Ringo: "Elisabeth! I need to pee!" He complains like a child.
Elisabeth: "why didn't you went before?" He shrugs. I groan.
Elisabeth: "fine" we exit out the highway and I start searching around to find some place. I almost gave up until I saw a fancy building. It looks like a party was happening. A very fancy one to be exact.
Ringo: "I don't want to go alone" he frowns. I roll my eyes.
Elisabeth: "fine lets go" the boys and I got out the car, we ran up the stairs the restroom. While waiting for Ringo, John thought it would be a good idea to look around.
Elisabeth: "John What are you-" I loudly whisper to him. He leaves. I groan. I was about to go and find him until I saw two men who I thought I would never see......

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