Chapter 7

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Elisabeth's POV
I got back home and went to my room. I did my night routine and decided to research about time traveling. While searching with the help of Google, lots of news articles say it's possible. I also went on YouTube to watch videos about time traveling but the real question is, does anybody in 1965 know that The Beatles just disappear out of no where. I hear a knock on the door. I got up and open the door. It was Paul.
Elisabeth: "hi" I smile.
Paul: "hi um I was just wondering if you want to um....go on a date with me?" WHAT! THE PAUL MCCARTNEY WANTS TO GO ON A DATE WITH ME?!
Elisabeth: "sure, when?" He scratches the back of his head while blushing.
Paul: "maybe tomorrow after you leave work."
Elisabeth: "that sounds great"
Paul: "Alright, Good night"
Elisabeth: "Good night" I said softly. I kiss his cheek. I close the door and smile. I look at the picture frame of Paul sitting on my drawer with my makeup. My heart melts. I lie on my bed and fell asleep...
I woke up the next morning feeling energize. "Today is going to be the best day ever!" I told myself. I got out of my bed, did my usual morning routine and change into my job uniform. I dash downstairs to make breakfast. I open the cabinet, grab a box of cornflakes and grab four bowls. I pour the cereal in each bowl and grab milk from the fridge. I pour the milk on the cereal. After finishing making all the boys cereals, I grab a notepad and pen on the kitchen counter and wrote a note.
Left work early, made breakfast for you guys! Love you all! Elisabeth
I drove and park in the parking lot. I walk up to the door and saw a sign.
Closed until the weekend
Elisabeth: "damn it!" I hit the wall. I sigh and went back to my car. I drove back. I decided to get McDonalds for breakfast. I went through the drive thru and order a egg McMuffin and hotcakes with a hot chocolate. I park in the parking lot and ate my food. While eating, I look through my pictures on my phone. I stop because I saw a picture. Well not really but a photoshop picture. It was The Beatles and I. I giggle.
Elisabeth: "in a few months you'll meet them".....

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