Chapter 4

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I woke up with Paul's arms around me....OH MY GOD! Is this a dream come true? Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? (HA-) I unwrap his arms and walk to the kitchen. I cook eggs and bacon.
John: "hello!" Wow he's such in a good mood.
Elisabeth: "hi" I smile at him. I kept cooking the eggs, I thought he left but in the corner of my eye I see him watching me. Admiring me? I turn my head towards him and he moves somewhere else, pretending he wasn't looking at me. I let it slide. The rest of the boys come and eat. I serve them there food.
Ringo: "thanks" he smiles. I sat between John and Paul.
John: "you're like taking care of us, like a babysitter, making sure we don't get hurt and stuff."
They laugh. After eating breakfast. We decided to go around town but first we need to disguise them. After disguising them we left. We took a subway to get there. While at the subway, there was this guy who was bullying Ringo. I walk towards them to listen to there conversation.
Guy: "don't fuck with the lord of hell" I look down and found a switchblade on the floor. I took it. I push Ringo out of the way.
Elisabeth: "DONT FUCK WITH THE BABYSITTER!" I hold the switchblade on my hand

Elisabeth: "DONT FUCK WITH THE BABYSITTER!" I hold the switchblade on my hand

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Everybody said "oooooo" I turn around to other bad guys in the back.

Everybody said "oooooo" I turn around to other bad guys in the back

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Guy: "alright chill out" the subway stops to our destination. The boys and I walk out.
Ringo: "I don't know how to thank you"
Elisabeth: "it's nothing really" I shrug.
Paul: "It is something, you're so powerful like I-"
John: "Alright Alright, Elisabeth you were perfect out there now let's go" I laugh. We walk around town, Thank god nobody has recognized them. I told the boys we should go to the clothes store to find some clothes for them.
Elisabeth: "guys stick with me, I don't want to deal with you guys getting lost" they all agree. The shopping process was pretty boring but come on I'm with The Beatles. Anyways, I paid for all of the clothes, Paul offer to pay but I denied. We carry the bags full of clothes and left the store......

Adventures In Babysitting The Beatles Where stories live. Discover now