Chapter 11

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I woke up and got out my bed. I walk to the kitchen and didn't see John, George and Paul. Hm. I walk through the hallway and open the door to the guest bedroom where Ringo sleeps. He's nowhere to be seen. I started panicking.
Elisabeth: "John! Paul! George! Ringo!" I ran around the apartment. I couldn't find them. Where are they?!
Elisabeth: "guys!" Tears started forming in my eyes. I ran to my room and look everywhere. I saw a button on the top of my desk. It reads...push this button if you want to go back and find The Beatles
What! I shower, brush my teeth and put on a pink sweater and big tan coat with blue jeans. I also brought my purse. After dressing up, I push the button. My room started shaking. I started panicking more! Then blackness everywhere.....I woke up to the sound of lots of girls screaming. I got up quickly, and look around. People are dressed differently. I saw a wall with newspapers. I run towards it and look at the date. May 20, 1965. Shit! It's 10 days ahead! I groan. All of a sudden a mob of girls started running towards something. I decided to run with them. I saw the boys waving to the girls. I need to see them! But how? Police men start blocking the girls away. HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO GET THERE?! I decide to do something that may be crazy but will be worth it. Try to sneak in. I waited for a couple of minutes until the girls leave. I ran through the police men and successfully got in. The door was unlock, I open the door. Wow they should be more careful. I quietly walk inside....
Paul's POV
I sigh.
John: "you Alright??" He said while sitting down next to me.
Paul: "I miss Elisabeth" Ringo and George come towards me.
Ringo: "I do too, has she ever tried finding us"
George: "I don't know we woke up and appeared back home, it's impossible if she can try to get us back"
Paul: "I hope I see her again, I was about to give her this" I pull out a diamond necklace and show it to the lads. John whistles.
John: "that necklace looks real nice"
Paul: "I miss her..."
Elisabeth's POV
I quietly walk across the hallway. I heard a conversation, it's sounds like the boys! It's sounds like they're talking about me. I peek my head to see all the boys.
John: "that necklace looks real nice"
Paul: "I miss her" I smile.
Elisabeth: "you miss me?" They all look at me.
All: "Elisabeth!" They all ran towards me giving me big hugs.....

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