Chapter 12

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I chuckle.
Elisabeth: "Hey guys" we separate from the hug.
John: "I miss you" he said softly. Paul coughs, giving John a sign telling him to stop.
Elisabeth: "I miss you too, Anyways, how do we get out of here?"
George: "I don't know are we going back to the future?"
Elisabeth: "well yeah...if you want to" They all look at each other. They agree to go back. I look around the room to find something. I found the same button on a table. I walk towards the table and the piece of paper reads.
Congratulations! You found them! Push this button if you want to go back to 2019
Elisabeth: "guys I guess we are about to go back!" They cheered. I push the button and blackness everywhere...
I woke up, I was on the floor. I look around my surroundings and saw the boys passed out. They finally woke up.
Ringo: "yay! We're back!" He smiles. We all sighed.
I sat on the couch with John. We started talking about random stuff, until he flirted with me. WHAT. I blush. He started flirting more and more. I kept on blushing and taking it. He winks at me. wow.
I walked inside my room and saw Paul sitting on my bed. He looked frustrated.
Elisabeth: "Paul are you ok-"
Paul: "What was that! You and John! I heard" my eyes wide open.
Elisabeth: "don't take this another wa-"
Paul: "I loved you!"
Elisabeth: "Paul please I love y-"
Paul: "no you don't. You love John! IS THAT TRUE?!"
Elisabeth: "that's not true" we went silent. I almost put my hands on his shoulder until he pushes my hand away. Tears started streaming down my face.
Elisabeth: "YOU KNOW WHAT?! WHY DO YOU HONESTLY CARE?! WE'RE NOT EVEN DATING!" He looks at me. His face was filled with regret.
Elisabeth: "I CANT ANYMORE! EVERY KISS I GAVE YOU! I MEANT IT!" Tears came down Paul's face.
Elisabeth: "I LOVE YOU BUT...I don't know if I do anymore..." he comes closer to me.
Paul: "I'm sorry"
Elisabeth: "don't please" I move back. I start feeling dizzy.
Paul: "Elisabeth...are you okay?" I pass out.....
Paul's POV
Paul: "ELISABETH!" I bent down. The boys came inside.
John: "is everything ok- HOLY SHIT!"
Ringo: "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!" I carry her to her bed.
George: "well we can't call the doctor because we are here"
Paul: "OKAY RINGO GET A WET TOWEL, GEORGE GET SOME WATER FOR HER, JOHN GET A BLANKET!" They ran to were they're supposed to be at.
Paul: "I'm sorry Elisabeth, I didn't mean this, this was all my fault" tears came down my cheeks. I checked if she was still breathing. She is, thank god! The lads came back with the materials. John gave the blanket to me. I place the blanket on her. Ringo gave me the wet towel. I rub the towel on her head. I DONT KNOW WHAT IM SUPPOSE TO DO! I hope she wakes up.....

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