Chapter 10

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It's the next morning. I open my eyes from the sun shining through my window. I turn around and saw Paul sleeping. I quietly got up and walk to the kitchen. I decided to make eggs and bacon. While cooking the boys came in.
John: "morning Elisabeth" Wow he looks energetic.
Elisabeth: "hi" after cooking I serve the food to each of the boys. I grab my camera trying to fix the lense.
George: "you not going to eat?" I glance at him and went back go fixing.
Elisabeth: "nah I'm not hungry"
Ringo: "I barely see you eat" I didn't look at him
Elisabeth: "I ate a lot yesterday" he nods. I start wondering what time is it. I decide to ask the Alexa I bought a few days ago.
Elisabeth: "Alexa! What time is it?" They all look at me confused.
Alexa: "it's currently 8:30pm" Ringo falls out of his chair.
Ringo: "Shit! That scared me!" He gets up and returns eating.
John: "what's that" he points to the Alexa.
Elisabeth: "it's Alexa, if you say the name and ask your question it'll answer. Here's an example, Alexa! Who's the members of The Beatles?"
Alexa: "John, Paul, George and Ringo" they all look at each other.
Paul: "that's so cool! It's so small"
Elisabeth: "I know right! It was expensive though but it was worth it"
The boys and I decided to go out.
Elisabeth: "come on guys, wear a big hat" they all came out with big hats covering there faces. We walk out and I lock the door.
Elisabeth: "so where now?"
Ringo: "lets go to the park!" He smile big.
Elisabeth: "sure" we start walking to the park. We arrive at the park! We sat on the benches, talking to each other.
George: "This feels real nice"
John: "Yes, outside" he sinks. I started daydreaming.....
The sun was shining bright, the sky was blue. I run around the grass and bump into someone. It was John.
Elisabeth: "Hey John!" I said smiling.
John: "Hey! Want to run around the grass with me?" He open his hand for me to grab.
Elisabeth: "sure" I grab his hand and we start running around the grass, holding hands. After running around, we stop and look at each other.
Elisabeth: "I had fun"
John: "I did as well" we got closer and kiss.....
Paul: "Elisabeth" he waves his hands in front of me. I snap out of the daydream.
Elisabeth: "oh sorry, I was just uh thinking" I started wondering. Why did I had a daydream about John and I. WHY DID WE KISS?! I don't like John romantically. Do I? No! you love Paul not John!
We went home and I run to my room. I immediately shut the door close. I lie on my bed. What's wrong with me? Am I crazy? I sigh.
At night....
I shower, brush my teeth and put on my pajamas. I walk towards my bed and lie. I pull the covers up and fell asleep...

Adventures In Babysitting The Beatles Where stories live. Discover now