Chapter 9

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We arrived at the restaurant. I force Paul to wear a big hat to cover himself up. We sat at the table and the waiter look very jealous? I was confused. We ordered our food and Paul's food have a small piece of paper. He opens it and it was phone number. He crumbles the paper.
Paul: "I'm only interested in the girl right in front of me" I blush. I took a bite out of my food. (Your food is your choice)
Paul: "so, how are you?"
Elisabeth: "amazing because you're here" I wink at him. He blushes.
Paul: "on a scale of 1 to America how free are you tonight?" I blush and wink.
Elisabeth: "America, I might as well call you "Google" cause you have everything I'm searching for" we laugh. So far this date is going very well, except for the note but that doesn't matter.
Paul: "My darling Elisabeth, why are you so beautiful" he says in a very Prince Charming tone.
Elisabeth: "my dear Paul, why are you so handsome" I said in a princess tone. We laugh. Man, this guy knows how to make a girl feel welcome.
We left the restaurant and walk around town.
Elisabeth: "I don't know how to thank you for this lovely date" I smile.
Paul: "and thank you for letting me be myself" I blush. We walk back home, we stood in front of the door. Paul and I were face to face. We got closer and closer until we kiss. If you could describe our kiss, it was something out of a romantic movie. Everything's perfect! We separated out lips and went inside the house. We see John and George sleeping, while Ringo was at the guest bedroom. I quietly close the door and we walk towards my room. As we got inside my room, I close the door. I look at Paul smiling at me.
Elisabeth: "so now what?" He shrugs.
Paul: "whatever you like" We sat on my bed Netflix! (HAHAHAHA YOU THOUGHT  SOMETHING ELSE WAS GOING TO HAPPENING! NOT ON MY CHRISTIAN SERVER.). We decided to watch "Pretty In Pink"
Elisabeth: "I love this movie"
Paul: "hmmm...lets see how it does"
An hour later....
We finish watching the movie.
Elisabeth: "What do you think?" I look at him waiting for a response.
Paul: "I like this movie" I nod
Elisabeth: "we should we go to bed"
Paul: "okay unless I sleep with you" we showered and put on our pajamas, we lie on my bed. I pull the covers up and cuddle with Paul.
Elisabeth: "night night" I said in a child voice.
Paul: "night night" he responds with also a child voice. I chuckle. I fell asleep.

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