Chapter 18

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The boys started dancing to the song. I saw Paul and Ringo (them now) in the crowd with smirks on there face. I decide to let them see this whole performance.
Guy 1: "it's really hard"
Elisabeth: "watching these guys"
Guy 1: "she got the, babysitting blues"
Elisabeth: "I've got the, babysitting blues!"
Guy 1: "she've been taking care of men her age. They act like little kids and it drives her insane!"
Other guys: "baby baby babysitting blues"
Elisabeth: "two guys bumped into us"
John: "Sadie and Chase are probably dead"
Paul: "we should be in the 60s"
Guy 1: "and they should be in bed"
Elisabeth: "I really love watching these guys, I've got the, babysitting blues"
The Beatles: "baby baby"
Elisabeth: "baby! Sitting blues"
The Beatles: "baby baby"
Elisabeth: "ooohhhh baby! sitting blues!" The boys and I danced our way out of stage. Giving people high fives. We walk out the club, laughing.
Ringo: "Elisabeth you did amazing!"
Elisabeth: "thanks Rings" I ruffled his hair. While walking we saw a shadows. We stopped. Out comes current Paul and Ringo. We backed up.
2019 Ringo: "listen, we ain't going to hurt you"
2019 Paul: "I see my younger self is dating someone real pretty" I blushed. Older Paul pats Paul on the back.
2019 Paul: "take good care of her" Paul nods. Older Paul comes towards John. He hugs him and so does older Ringo.
John: "would you want to introduce yourself or..."
2019 Paul: "oh! I'm Paul and this is Ringo" he points to older Ringo. We smile.
We're driving to pick up Chase and Sadie, I'm kinda nervous what there reactions will be when they find out about everything. I pick up my phone and called Sadie. I told her we're on our way. I stopped at the parking area and saw Sadie and Chase. They walk in and open the door.
Chase: "what?"
Elisabeth: "just get inside the damn car and I'll explain to you" Sadie and Chase went in the very back. We start driving again. I explain to both of them this whole situation.
Sadie: "I thought time traveling never existed. You got lucky!" I smile.
Chase: "and you're dating Paul McCartney? Crazy huh? Didn't you had a crush on him when you were a te-"
Elisabeth: "shush" in the corner of my eye I see Paul smirking.
Paul: "I didn't know that"
Sadie: "oh man you should've seen her in high school. She was crazy for you. The only thing she would talk about is y-"
Elisabeth: "OKAY!" Sadie giggles like a gossip girl. Paul kept on smirking.
Elisabeth: "Well, Sadie don't you have a crush on Georgie here" she and George blush.
Chase: "we stan" I dropped off Sadie and Chase at there places and we all went back to the apartment......

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