Chapter One

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Wake me up when September ends. I hated September because it's that time of year. Yeah, school. I mean I like seeing my 10 friends, but I hate learning as in like English. Plus, I hate how some of the teachers put us in alphabetical order because I'm always surrounded by the jocks of the school. If you roll with the smart kids, you'll always be in the same classes with them and most of them are jocks. It's the same with the normal kids except they don't have the jocks. Plus I'm not even joking.

A few months ago, I went to the doctors and I was diagnosed with depression and was prescribed anti-depressants. I didn't understand why I was depressed because I felt just fine. After I was diagnosed my mom put me on "suicide watch". Meaning I'm always watched. Even in school, everywhere I turn there's always a resource officer staring at me. I constantly tell my mom that I'm not suicidal, but she wont believe me. I stopped taking the pills awhile ago without my mom noticing, but just so she knows that I look like I'm taking the pills I take 2 out of the bottle everyday and put it in my pocket until I get to school so I can flush them down the toilet.

Anyways, I put on a black shirt on and black skinny jeans. Pretty much my whole closet is black because why not? I mess with my jet black hair for a bit until it looks somewhat decent. I put up my backpack and walked to school which isn't that far away. That cool thing about New Jersey School of Arts is that its an arts school and I get free demos by the musicians at the school and listen to the demos while I walk to school. The art school is the best art school in the whole nation. So we get people from Las Vegas to Chicago.

I only listen to my good friends music. There's Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, and Ray Toro's magic fingers. Ray Toro, man with a plan, still hasn't joined a band. Which sucks because he could make millions with his amazing talent. I write songs, play instruments, and draw a bit. And I suck at all of the. I walk up the stairs to enter the doors and Pete Wentz, bassist of Fall Out Boy, was standing by the doors waiting for me.

"Hey dude." Pete said. Pete is the most emo kid I know. Like no one else wears more eyeliner than Pete. If you do, he will put even more on in 5 mines time (I even timed him once) because he's the king of emo.

"What's up?" I asked while we entered the school. I know he's either going to talk about music (his band) or gossip about something else. I knew him for that long that he only talks about that.

"Mikey is going to ask Doris out today." Pete said. Told you.

"I'm so happy for him." I kinda mumbled. but I tried to be happy. Lets face it, I'm forever alone; no one like-likes me and I know it for a fact. Anyway, Doris does both art and music and is a few years younger than me. I'm a senior, she's a sophomore. She plays guitar and bass which is cool, but she is so amazing at drawing, no joke, she was nominated the best artist at the school. She was beat by a guy that I'll talk about later. MIkey way. That sophomore has the most awkwardest knees. He's only in the music program and plays bass. That's probably how Doris and Mikey found each other, their love of bass.

"Don't be sad, there's someone for you." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"And who would that be?" I asked.

"I don't know yet, but you know me; I'll know before you do." He's right. All my passed relationships he knew before I even started to talk to the girl. My last relationship was with Jamia and he knew a whole 2 month before we started dating that we would date.

"Well I have to go to my first class Pete. Be at the table at lunch."I said walking to my guitar class. First class is usually which instrument you play. Like Pete would be going to the bass class, which is in room 27. My advanced guitar class usually meets in room 128, but today it's in the auditorium.

I bump into Maya, she's also a senior. Maya plays the guitar and piano and sings a bit, but she's afraid of singing in front of everyone. In my opinion, she's actually a pretty great singer. Maya and I grew up together in the same neighborhood so we are practically brother and sister, we even kinda look like siblings since our hair color is the same.

"What's up Iero?" She asks. Oh, I should probably have told you that I'm Frank Iero, but you probably would have guessed that.

"Nothing much. We should probably get to class. The five minute bell rang like three minutes ago." I said. We start walking to the auditorium.

"Are you playing Pansy today?" She asked. She loves Pansy, my guitar, I really don't know why. Today we have to play a song on the guitar in front of the whole class and we decided to do a duet.

"Hell yea!" I said. Bob, a drummer, bumped into me.

"Move faggot." Bob said pushing me and walking away.

"Eat shit Bob." I replied. Bob is actually a great friend, but we always joke around with each other. Of course Maya and I walk into the auditorium last. We sat next to Patrick stump, singer and guitarist of Fall Out Boy, big forehead Brendon Urie, and Ryan Ross. Ryan and Brendon are in Panic! At the Disco with Spencer Smith, drummer, and Jon Walker, bassist. I heard a rumor that Ryan had milk up his ass, which to me is gross. Plus, Ryan is like the second most emo kid.

"Hey guys!" Patrick said.

"What's up Patrick?" Maya asked while smiling and blushing. Yes, Maya really likes Patrick and its funny to see her talk to him. Maya and Patrick start chatting away and I join Ryan's and Brendon's conversation.

"Why are you such a douche?" Brendon said. They must be having one of their fights again. Like how girls say, "Ryden is real" it's because it is. They are extremely gay with each other. Which is okay to me because homophobia is gay, and you can quote me on that.

"Guys calm down. What's this all about?" i asked.

"Ryan is being a douche." Brendon replied. Wow, how specific.

"And?" I wanted to know why because I know how to end a stupid fight.

"Everyone quite down. It's time for presentations." Mr. Miličević said. Mr. Miličević is Maya's favorite teacher because he is from Bosnia and Herzegovina just like her parents and they talk in their native language with each other which, by the way, is super cool.

"Ryan put the freaking milk in the fridge door not inside, last night. Which you know, it ticks me off." Brendon whispers. I shook my head and focused back on Mr. Miličević.


Hey friends! This is my first fanfic and I would really appreciate it if you voted and comment. :D I hope you like it and more will come! (and please tell me if I have any errors in the chapter so I can fix it.)

I really hope you like that first chapter!


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