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I woke up with a start at 3:00 in the morning. I just had a nightmare.

I knew I was acting childish since only children would cry because of a nightmare, but this wasn't those kind of nightmares where you find yourself in front of a haunted house, no, this was a more genuine one, a one that would happen in real life.

|My nightmare|

It was around 3:00 in the morning. I was in school. I didn't know what or why I was in school.

I realised I was facing a not very welcoming corridor. I really didn't want to go in but curiosity killed me and I decided to go in.

The fact that I was in school at 3:00 in the morning haunted me, but it was really no match to me walking down a strange corridor at that said time.

I walked inside a classroom which I knew I would regret walking in to. I took notice of something at the corner of the classroom. I walked closer and gasped loudly. It was Hyunjae's dead body. I tried walking backwards slowly, but as I did so, something caught me.

|End of nightmare|

I wanted to call Hyunjae to tell her about the crazy nightmare I just had but then I remembered. It was 3:00 in the morning. HyunJae wouldn't be awake and happy to hear me out.

So I just lied down again, my brain filled with three questions :Why is HyunJae's dead body doing there? Why was I in school? What was that thing that caught me?

But I just came to one conclusion that all in my head and, sometimes, I just watch too much horror movies for my own good. Which was true.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my house's doorbell ringing.
Whoever was ringing the doorbell must probably be really desperate to come in.

'If whoever is ringing the doorbell now breaks it, they'll have to pay for it!' I screamed in a menacing tone from the other side of the door.

'Well then quickly move, will you? It's not summer out here! I'm freezing my head off!' I heard somebody said.

I opened the door to see Hyunjae coming in looking livid.

'Sorry, I woke up at 3:00 in the morning and fell back asleep.'

'Well, quickly then! We only have an hour and a half left!'

'An hour and a half left? Isn't that enough time to go to the library?'

'You know I hate being late, so quickly now and get ready in 20 minutes. '


'No buts, just go and get ready now!'

I stormed upstairs feeling rather angry.

I just bathed and wore a white hoodie with black jeans.

I came down, ate breakfast, grabbed my bag and phone, put on my shoes and left with Hyunjae.

We arrived and realized there was no one, no one at all at school yet. Or that was what we thought.

We walked down the hallway and entered a corridor. We entered our history classroom because it was our first class again.

We went to the library but came back in total disappointment because the library was yet to open.

'Well didn't I tell you it was to early to come to school now? What time is it?'


'What? 5:30, you say? You specifically told me there was an hour and a half until class starts! Why you little compulsive liar!'

'That was the only way to make you come to school early!'

'Yeah, great. Let's find ourselves an ice cream truck then let's party until the library opens.'

I stopped in my tracks. It was him, the male who was sitting beside me in my history class yesterday.

I walked over to him and said hello.

'Hello,' I said.

'Oh, hello! Didn't see you coming,' He replied.

'Glad you didn't. I was having a rising temper, you see. But you have never told me your name, and I would like to know, really.'

'Oh, about that, yes. And my name's Byun Baekhyun. What about you?'

'Well, the name's Ji Youngjin and this is my childhood friend Hyunjae.'

'Hi, pleasure to meet you, ' interrupted HyunJae.

'It's very early, isn't it?'

"I suppose so. I arrived at 5:25."

'Oh really? We arrived at the same time too! What a coincidence, really.'

'Yeah. But honestly, there really isn't anything to do this early.'

'True. I didn't want to come at this time anyways. HyunJae forced me to do so.'

I shot a glare at Hyunjae.

'Well then, what should we do?'

'I suggest walking around school. I never really got the hang of things around here.'

'That's an idea. Well, I suppose we could do so.'

'Hold it! I have a question. Baekhyun aren't you cold? You're literally wearing short sleeves!'

'Yeah I'm ok, I'm not really cold anyway. After all, I am wearing a winter jacket.'

At that moment, I saw his eyes turn a slight hint of red. I blinked my eyes in disbelief, and when I opened them again, they went back to the colour of hazel brown.

Must be my hallucination, I thought to myself.

We walked along the hallway. We walked for about half an hour when I turned my attention to a corridor on my left. It didn't look as welcoming as the other corridors so it kind of creeped me out.

'Guys?' I muttered.

'Yes? What's wrong?' asked Hyunjae.

'Have you guys ever been down this corridor?' I questioned them while pointing at said corridor.

'No, to be honest I didn't even notice it was there,' answered Baekhyun.

'It looks, I don't know, abandoned? But that would be impossible because it would have caught anybody's attention.'

'Well, that's a call for investigation. Should we check it out?'

'Although I don't want to because it's just creepy, but if you insist. '

'Great, let's get going.'

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