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Honestly speaking, could this day get any weirder or creepier? The fact that I had just met someone who announced themselves as Sehun's friend but was actually not is just very mysterious and at the same time creepy. Or so I think.

Just finding ourselves in a castle-like building was mesmerising, but now HyunJae and Minseok are acting so weird. I mean, just half an hour ago they were totally freaking out, but now, they are all smiley-faced.

I couldn't sit properly in my seat without any disturbing facts popping up in my brain anymore so I told everyone I will be on my way to the pond which we found earlier on.

I had so many questions in my head which urgently needed answers to, but as I was saying, nobody seemed to act as their usual selves any more except for Baekhyun but my questions were not about him.

I felt like I was being stalked right after I walked away but I just ignored it as I didn't really care much anymore.

I reached the pond and drank some water within. I could see from the reflection of the water that Baekhyun was right beside me.

'You really should not stalk me like that, it's creepy,' I told him while he sat down beside the pond.

'I apologise, as I did not want the others to think we were up to something.' He started looking around us, as if looking for something I couldn't see.

'Don't you think the others are starting to act weirdly?'

'Seems like I'm not the only one who thinks so. And yes, yes they do act very weird now. It's like they didn't just been captured or creeped out by the fact something was stalking us.'

'Yes indeed. And that's something to be suspicious about. Hey, Baekhyun? I have a question.'

'Which is?'

'I have a feeling I have been stalked the whole day. And I'm getting uneasy.'

'Yeah, me too. That's why I'm looking around. That somebody may be watching us as we speak.'

I heard something, but I just shaked it off. I drank some more water from the pond and we both walked back.

When we reached, the others were nowhere to be found. I looked around, but there was nobody at all. Or so I thought.

I looked at Baekhyun who shared the same expression with me: a face of pure horror.

'Where did they go?' 'No clue.'

I frantically tried to search for them, it was just like they vanished into thin air. I looked at the water fountain, hoping it was nothing but them playing a prank on us, but I guess I was just too hopeful.

Instead, I saw a piece of parchment gliding on the water's surface. I picked it up, and it wrote in red colour:


'Um, Baekhyun? Would you come here for a bit?'

'What is i-'

He looked at the piece of parchment I was holding.

'Do you think they wrote this?'

'Positive. Hey look!' He pointed towards the other end of the water fountain. I looked in the direction he pointed in and noticed a trail of what looked like blood.

'Is that blood?' 'Not sure, let me check it out.'

We walked towards the trail and sure enough, we could sniff a strong smell.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐔𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃 ━━ exoWhere stories live. Discover now