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Since there wasn't anyone there, I started wondering along the empty streets with Baekhyun behind me.

It was eerie walking along the dark streets, with no one at all, except for the two of us.

As we walked on, I felt something brush my shoulder. I looked around, but Baekhyun was way behind me, and there was no way he could run so fast as to be behind me by 20 yards.

I looked back in front and continued walking along. At some point, I saw a black shadow in front front of me, like it was staring at me, which gave me shiver down my spine.

It then walked into a shop beside where it was standing and vanished. I glanced at Baekhyun who was now right beside me.



'Did you see that? The black shadow that walked right into the door of the shop there?'

'Yes, why?'

'Should we follow it?'

'I see no reason not to. Let's go.'

We walked right into the shop. But as soon as we went in, however, the floorboard gave way and we started falling down a black hole.

After falling for what seemed like an eternity, we finally hit solid ground. I looked around and noticed that we were in a cave of some sort, seeing as there were stalactites.

Baekhyun landed further than me, so I rushed to him. He was unconscious.

I shook him, but it was no use. I couldn't possibly carry him, he was too heavy for me. So how should I wake him up?

I grabbed a water bottle from by bag and poured water on him, which somehow woke him up.

'Well, at least I now know that water can wake an unconscious person now,' I told myself. 'Better keep that in mind.'

'Pardon?' asked Baekhyun who was now conscious.

'Nothing. Come on, let's get going,' I said while looking ahead.

'But my back back really hurts,' moaned Baekhyun.

'Well, deal with it. Come on, let's go.'

He didn't move a muscle so I practically dragged him with me. As we walked further into the cave, it got colder.

'It's getting rather cold, isn't it?' I questioned while Baekhyun shivered.

'Yes, indeed. Perhaps you have a jacket to spare?' Baekhyun looked at me anxiously. I groaned in exasperation.

I grab a jacket from my bag and passed it to him which he gratefully accepted while thanking me.

'Save your breath,' I said.

We walked further through the cave. Suddenly, I felt the same movement below the ground from before. I kneeled down, touching the ground, making sure what I felt wasn't in my head, and sure enough, the same movement came about.

Then all of a sudden, I could feel the movement coming back towards us at a fast pace. As I looked up, the ground started to crack menacingly which suggested us to get out of the way.

'Look out, Baekhyun!' I shouted.

He looked at me in surprise so I jumped at him, and the force of impact caused us both to tumble backwards.

It seems I was just in time, I thought, as the ground started to collapse forming an abyss.

Then I looked at Baekhyun, who was taken aback by my sudden move.

'Sorry,' I apologised as I got off him.

I extended my arm to help him get off the ground. I started walking again, but Baekhyun grabbed my wrist then whispered in my ear, 'It's fine. I loved the impact.'

He let go of me and I turned around to look at him. He was smirking, which caused me to flush in embarrassment. I didn't see where I was going and could've fell down the abyss if it weren't for Baekhyun, who pulled me back and kissed me right on the lips.


'What? It was just an accident.' He shrugged.

'Yeah, accident.'

'If not, will you be my girlfriend?'

'Wait wha-'

He pulled me into another kiss, and this time it was longer, and much more passionate.

As we pulled away, I was blushing so very hard, which he complimented by whispering, 'You look cute when you blush.' He then smirked again.

'Stop it.'

'You haven't answered my question yet.'

'What question?'

'Would you be my girlfriend?'

'I don't know, you just asked me all of a sudden-'

'I take that as a yes.'


I started walking again with my chin held high. Baekhyun chuckled.

'Quit it,' I snapped. 'We're supposed to focus on looking for HyunJae, Minseok and Sehun, not the nonsense you just made.'

'Whatever you say, girlfriend,' he said with a smirk.

'I said quit it!' 

I walked further on leaving Baekhyun behind walking on his own.  

Soon I forgot what happened and drowned myself within the mystery of Minseok, HyunJae and Sehun going missing.

I also had a mystery another mystery to solve, and that was: how did I feel there was movement below us, but yet Baekhyun didn't? And how did I know the ground was going to crack?

Some people would probably say its instinct and shrug it off, but I didn't, for this was truly a mystery I couldn't just shrug off.

Sure, instinct would probably answer my question as to why I knew the ground was going to crack, but it surely didn't solve why I was the only one that felt movement below us.

I looked up ahead and realised there was a long way to go. What was after this cave I had no idea, but I had a feeling it wasn't going to be good.

After a while of walking, I arrived at the end of the cave and noticed it was a chamber. It was so very cold there, as we were so deep within our school grounds.

As I was walking slowly to the center of the chamber, I noticed some silhouettes of black leaned against each other in the distance. They weren't moving at all, which made it weird.

I came closer and closer, then noticed they were humans, and there were three.

Then as I stepped right in front of them, I realised it was Minseok, HyunJae and Sehun. They were tied up together with rope.

'Baekhyun! Come here!' I bellowed.

'What is it?' he said as he walked closer.

'It's Minseok, HyunJae and Sehun!' I exclaimed.

'What?' said Baekhyun, hardly believing his ears.

They were all unconscious lying on the floor. I then took out my bottle to pour water on them, but then I realised I had no more water.

I looked around for a source of water and found one near us. I walked over and collected some water. I poured water on them and watched them anxiously, hoping they would wake up.

They stirred in their unconsciousness then slowly, but surely, opened their eyes.

'What happened? Was I dreaming?' said Minseok, unknowingly.

'Long story,' I answered. 'Let's go, come on now. I'll explain later on.'

Suddenly, the whole cave instantaneously shook.

'That isn't good now, is it?'

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