Halloween Special~ 🎃

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I was asleep peacefully in my shared bedroom with Baekhyun before a thud startled me awake. I looked around as I got up slowly from my position on the bed, only to see Baekhyun was already gone.

Now something was definitely wrong. He never gets up earlier than me, no matter the time of the day. If I woke up in the middle of the night, he'd wake up an hour later.

Seeing him wake up earlier than me scarce and odd. Thus adding to my building wariness.

Except for we were almost late for Minseok's birthday party which Taehyung insisted on having.

'Baekhyun,' I softly called out. No reply. I walked out into the living room. It was all dark. Where was this little puppy?

I put on my white coat and walked out the house. Suddenly my view turned black. In a matter of seconds, instead of the usual street I faced every morning going to school, I was faced with a scene very depressing indeed.

It was once a park I think. Once upon a time, it had been a happy little park. But soon it aged into time, slowly turning bleak. The trees had overgrown, with its branches twisting into shapes I didn't even know existed, leaves all in different colours ranging from a normal green and crisp brown, to a sickening shade of purple and blue. The grass was far from normal; it had long wilted, lacking signs of life.

There was a sign that was hung on a rusting piece of copper. 'Welcome to Full Sun Park,' I read under my breath, coughing slightly. The air here was strangely thin, and every breath was made with difficulty.

As I took one step deeper into the park, I began hearing a soft, melancholic tune that was seemingly playing on the piano. Then I heard someone singing. I walked towards the melodic voice which held a feeling as though the person was longing for someone or something.

I spotted a young man sitting on a boulder with his knees to his chest singing mellifluously to the song that was playing itself on the piano. His long hair was tied up in a small ponytail.

I hesitated to tap the man on his shoulder but still did anyway. He immediately looked around and as he did so, the melody changed. Now it sounded sinister and creepy.

He tilted his head in question and started mumbling in Japanese.

'あなたは誰,' he asked as he glared at me.

'I mean no harm, please. I don't speak Japanese, but I just wanted to ask if you've seen someone here?' I said gingerly.

His eyes softened and he replied, 'Sorry, but I've been seating on this same rock for centuries and I've never seen anyone past by me besides you.' He gestured for me to take seat. I sat beside him.

'Why?' I asked. He looked at me with a brow raised. Then he lifted his leg and the heavy metal chain linked to the boulder. 'I was trapped here by someone.

'You're definitely not human to be living a few centuries. Then what are you?' I questioned. He chuckled, 'We hardly know each other's names, but you're quite a curious one.'

'Fine, I'm Ji YoungJin, now quickly, why?' I urged him to carry on. 'I'm Nakamoto Yuta, and it's better I show you,' he smiled.

Cream-coloured wings tore through his back, sprouting elegantly. It all seemed real, yet something felt wrong. 'You see it?' whispered Yuta. Then I noticed it. A huge part of the left side of his wings were brutally ripped off, deep slashes grazing the right side.

'I'm a fallen angel,' said Yuta, concluding my question. He could tell I wanted to ask how as he answered, 'My mother was an angel but my father was a devil. It was a relationship of forbidden love. Yet when I was born, the heavens decided to give me a chance. Days after my birth, my mother died, sending my father into a frenzy, and he almost killed me out of anger. He was banned to ever come near me again.

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