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Taehyung welcomed us warmly by his doorstep. 'Baek, you finally told her?' said Taehyung as he patted me on the back with a encouraging smile.

Baekhyun nodded, 'Yeah, but we still owe her an explanation.'

I looked at Taehyung and said, 'You sure do.'

He chuckled as he closed the door behind him.

But they didn't notice a figure hiding behind the bushes, a truly evil smirk plastered over his face while murmuring, 'Oh, the things you don't know my dears. Byun, Kim, I have finally found you.'

Meanwhile, Baekhyun and Taehyung explained everything to YoungJin. From them being vampires, all the way to their childhood.

'If you're interested, there's a book all about us. Not just us vampires, but the other mythical creatures out there too. It's in my library just downstairs,' said Taehyung.

'There's a downstairs?' I looked at him questionably.

'Sure there is! Say, let's go down there and check it out, shall we?'

'Of course!'

Taehyung guided us throughout the house and stopped in front if a dusty trapdoor. He pulled it up with no trouble and led us along the spiralling stone steps that led into the depths of darkness.

Without any warning, Baekhyun's hand lit up which illuminated our shadows in the dark. I widened my eyes and stared at the floating ball of light in Baekhyun's right hand in amusement.

I looked at him, eyes demanding for an explanation. He smiled and said, 'Amused? The feeling is mutual. I am special, because I have the power of Light.'

I hardly believed my ears. My mouth still remained wide open. Baekhyun laughed and used his left hand to close my mouth.

I turned to look at Taehyung. 'I can read minds,' said Taehyung immediately as I looked at him.

'I can tell. But that's a little privacy-invading,' I said.

He shrugged. 'Well, let's go then!'

We were swallowed by darkness but with the help of Baekhyun's powers, we were able to see our surroundings.

We reached what seemed like a door. Taehyung opened it with a golden key which shone in the dark. The door opened, revealing a seemingly never-ending amount of books.

I looked around in awe, and, as you can guess, I love reading, and being surrounded by millions of books was like wonderland.

Baekhyun made the levitating ball of light slowly float up into the air. When it reached a decent height, the ball of light burst into a million diamonds of light, which made the whole room light up. It was a truly magnificent and significant sight.

Baekhyun smiled at me as he caught me looking up in disbelief. Taehyung sat down on the leather couch with a big book. We took our seats as he laid it down on the table in front of us. He turned it around to face me.

I blew the dust of from the leather-bound book and carefully opened it. The pages were made of old parchment and the words were written on with ink. I touched it with utmost precaution as though it would tear by the slightest touch. I flipped the page slowly. It revealed a whole world of mysterious creatures. Vampires, werewolves, angels, devils, witches, wizards, you name it. The were all in there, all written carefully in ink.

As I flipped there were more and more interesting information. But there was one that really caught my attention.

'The Tree of Life and the twelve forces'

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