18 [M]

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Baekhyun's POV

I looked out the window. It's been a week. She hasn't come back yet.

Where was she? Did she forget about me? Is she... dead?

With that thought in mind, I curled up and started crying again.


I sighed, starting to get annoyed and frustrated. I spent the last two days trying to figure out where they might be.

I took another sip of my tea. I ruffled my messy hair and bellowed, 'Where do I find them?'

I sat down and thought really hard. Maybe they are in they're childhood home. But where would that be?

I heard a tap at my window. I looked out the window and was struck dumbfounded. There was an owl perched on my window sill. I hastened to open the window and let the owl in.

'What are you doing here, hm?' I said while stroking the owl's head. It hooted appreciatedly and stuck out its leg.

I saw a letter tied onto the owl's leg. I untied it and stared at the envelope. I opened the letter and read the messy hand writing, with blotches of ink spilled everywhere. And I could only guess who wrote it.

My dear,

I've been waiting for a week now. I want to ask, where are you? Did you forget about me? Are you hurt? Are you fine? I miss you so much that it hurts. I keep wondering if you will ever return. I locked myself in this room, hoping one day you will come knocking on the door and hugging me, but you never do. I miss you, a lot. I never wanted to leave you. I have a million questions to ask you, but I can't.

Will this letter even be read by you?

I beg you, please come back to me.

If you're wondering where I am, then I will tell you. I will always be here, waiting and thinking about you, under that mistletoe tree you conjured one faithful day.

I love you.


I stared up from the letter at the owl. I grabbed a piece of paper, scribbled my letter as fast as I could and tied it to the end of the owl and said, 'Take this as quick as you can to the person who sent you here. Make sure he sees it before I arrive.'

The owl hooted and flew out the window. I went into the room, took a quick bath and pulled on my clothes. I wore a white oversized hoodie and ripped jeans.

I took one last, final sip of tea and took a quick bite of some white chocolate before teleporting to the place where my crying baby was.

I arrived in front of the same, familiar wooden cottage and knocked on the door. Minseok opened the door and exclaimed, 'She's here! Oh, after a long week of waiting she's finally here!'

They pulled me into a hug. I smiled.

'Baekhyun hasn't eaten, drunk water and came out of the room for seven days?' I questioned.

They nodded their heads guiltily.

I walked over to the door and knocked. I heard Baekhyun's muffled voice, 'I told you, hyung, I'm not going out until she's here.'

I knocked again. I heard him slightly sniff and shuffled to the door.

'Hyung, I-'

He widened his eyes at the sight of me. I grinned and said, 'Hello, jagi.'

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐔𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃 ━━ exoWhere stories live. Discover now