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We then heard a low growling sound. Low, but still threatening enough to give me goosebumps.

I looked at the others who looked terrified by the sudden source of sound. The growl started getting louder and louder, each time more threatening than the last.

'Should we be sitting here?' said Sehun, who looked paler than the moon.

I shook my head. I wanted to run, to get the hell out of there, but it felt as though I was rooted to the ground and I couldn't move a muscle due to the panic.

Baekhyun started moving backwards. Something told me that was a really bad move.

'Don't move!' I whisper-shouted.

Baekhyun looked at me, puzzled. I mouthed the words, 'Believe me. Please.' He nodded and stopped moving.

Spontaneously, the growling stopped. I looked at them. They were looking in front, horrified.

According to horror movies, if something as terrifying as this suddenly stops, danger is on the way.

'RUN!' I shouted and they all jumped up and ran.

I looked behind and saw a pair of red eyes. Then I started running as fast as my legs could carry me.

I soon caught up with the others.

'Where should we go?' questioned Minseok.

'Just run out the cave!'

We ran out of the cave. We ran right into a forest. I caught sight of a abondoned wooden house out of the corner of my eye.

'In here, quick!' I beckoned.

I made a dash towards the house and hid behind a cupboard. I heard hurried footsteps past me.

After hiding for a while, I heard a distant howl of anger.

I flinched when someone touched my shoulder. I looked around to see Baekhyun looking worn out but yet worried at the same time.

'Are you OK?' he asked with a warm smile.

'I am, thank you. How about you?' I said.

'I'm fine, now that I'm with you,' he said as he gave me a warm and cozy hug.

I rolled my eyes. I enjoyed the warmth Baekhyun was giving me from the hug.

Somebody touched my shoulder. I flinched with fear, thinking the monster had come back.

But then, as I looked up, there was a handsome young man standing before me. He had beautiful caramel skin, and his silver hair made him look as though he was glowing. His eyes were a pure brown colour, something which I was very envious about.

I was mesmerised by his beauty and couldn't help but stare.

'Hello? Are you guys OK?' he said.

'Yes, we are. Do you mind if I ask who you are?' I replied, snapping out of my trance.

'Oh, no. Simply not. I am Kim Taehyung, at your service,' said Taehyung.

'OK. Oh, where are my manners? My name is Ji YoungJin, this is Byun Baekhyun, and my other friends are Park HyunJae, Kim Minseok and Oh Sehun. Although I do not know where they are now,' I said.

I looked around frantically, searching for any silhouettes in the distance.

'Chill, we're right here,' someone said.

I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned around to see Minseok standing behind me with a 'I'm-about-to-burst-out-laughing' smile.

'BOI, IF YOU DON-' I didn't finish my sentence as I had already jumped up and started chasing all three of them around the small wooden house.

Baekhyun and Taehyung silently guffawed by the side as they watched the chaotic scene before their eyes.

'Oh, stop being so childish. Would you like to come to my house for dinner? It's just by the river down the lane,' said Taehyung.

'Yes, please. We're famished. We haven't eaten in an eternity,' answered Baekhyun.

I immediately stopped in my tracks hearing the word 'dinner'. It's been an awfully long time without hearing that word. I was so hungry I felt like I could eat an elephant.

'Well, what're you waiting for? Let's get going!' I rushed them down the lane and, upon finding a house near a peaceful river, rushed them inside.

'Would you like to take a bath while I prepare dinner?' questioned Taehyung.

I nodded my head. Taehyung led me to a small room at the end of the hallway.

I quickly took a shower and changed back into my clothes. As I was about to sit on the bed, I heard a tiny tap on the window beside the bed.

I peeked outside, trying to find someone or something who had just knocked on the window, but to no avail.

Curiosity, again, took over, which led me to an investigation outside the house.

I shut the door as quietly as possible and tiptoed down the hallway, trying not to catch anyone's attention.

I got out of the house without anyone's attention caught successfully. I kicked on my shoes and slowly walked where the bedroom's window was located.

The closer I got, the more I could hear someone. It was the sound you would hear when you were eating something.... Watery?

I turned the corner of the house and was shocked to see blood splattered across the floor.

I looked and saw a pale and lifeless body which was very familiar to me fall to the ground.

Then the predator turned around and I nearly fainted of shock.

I looked at the ground and suddenly realised why the body was so familiar to me. It was HyunJae's body. I wheezed for air.

I fell to the ground, stuttering, 'H-how could y-you? I t-trusted yo-you. Wh-why? Why d-did you d-do this, B-Baekhyun?'


Well, plot twist and a cliffhanger. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for over like 3 months. I wish I could update more often, but it's just that I don't really have any motivation and inspiration this week because it's been a rather dull week. I hope you don't hate me for making our Baekkie the bad guy..... For now (there's a little hint for the next chapter 😉)

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