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Sunlight kissed me good morning as I woke up with a yawn. I stretched my arms and got up from the bed. I looked back at the bed, Baekhyun was still asleep.

I went to the toilet to freshen up. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then I went out to the living room. Everyone was still asleep.

I looked outside. There was the sun shining brightly outside. There were butterflies and bees flying above the flowers. There were bunnies hopping around and bathing in the sun. I smiled brightly. It was a beautiful sight.

I walked outside and sat on the soft grass. I plucked a dandelion which was dancing in the wind and softly blowed its petals off. A small and cute little white bunny came hopping towards me. I walked over to grab a carrot and fed the bunny with the carrot. It chewed happily on the carrot as it hopped into my grasp. I plucked a daisy and put it on top of the white bunny's head, 'I'll call you Poppy.'

The white rabbit seemed to have heard me as it looked at me with its cute pair of eyes, replying to my call.

It hopped away, leaving me sitting there, enjoying the sunshine.

Then suddenly something hit me. No, it wasn't a rock, it was sudden realization.

Aren't we miles below ground? How is there sunshine here? I thought. This wasn't possible. I got up, looking above, and sure enough, there was sun, accompanied by the lightly-shaded, cloud-filled blue sky.

I stared it confusion and amazement, up until I heard a soft, shaking voice asked in fear, 'Yeobeo, w-what's going on?'

I turned to look at six of them, standing there at the doorway, staring in shock, with Baekhyun panting in fear.

Suddenly, vines of leaves, barks of trees and roots of flowers arose from the ground, and I was also being carried with it to the clouds. I widened my eyes and parted my lips in wonder. After I reached the tippy top of the sky, I was starting to get scared.

'C-can I go down now?'

As if it could listen to my command, the vine that was supporting me brought me to the ground.

It accidentally dropped me on the soft grass. But it carried me up and dusted the dirt off my white pajamas.

I could've sworn that I heard someone whispering, 'Your wish is my command.'

I walked towards Baekhyun and hugged him, trying to console him as he was now crying. 'Are you OK? You could've died!' cried Baekhyun.

'I'm fine, Baek, it's fine,' I said, patting his back.

'What happened?' said Yixing.

'I don't know either, I just woke up this morning, went outside and found myself naming a bunny Poppy,' I replied.

I turned around to look and the garden, but everything already went back to normal; there was no more sunshine, there was only the top of the cave; the trees, flowers and vines had disappeared; even Poppy was gone.

I sighed and turned back to look at them.

'I even got to touch a cloud!' I said.

'It's just like I suspected...' We all turned to Taehyung.

'What did you suspect?' Baekhyun looked at him with his blood-shot eyes because of the crying.

'Well, ever since I first saw her, I knew that something was special about her. She isn't like any normal girl. She is very special, very special indeed. Written in the book, only vampires, angels, witches, devil's or wizards have powers. But she is a normal human, and she has powers,' said Taehyung.

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