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I awoke.

I kissed Baekhyun on the forehead before walking out of the room. Everyone was outside eating breakfast.

'Good morning,' I said sleepily while yawning.

'Morning,' replied Sehun as he handed me a glass of water.

I heard thunder rumble.

'Oh, jeez, is it raining again?' said Junmyeon as he munched on his bread
'I still don't understand the logic behind this rain,' said Luhan thoughtfully.

'I thought I explained before?' said Taehyung.

'Yeah, but she doesn't seem angry nor moody enough to conjure up a thunderstorm now, would she?' protested Yixing.

I grabbed a piece of buttered toast as all of them continued objecting on the various reasons of the rain.

Baekhyun walked into the living room ruffling his hair.

'Good morning, jagi.'


The rain started to pour. Minseok brought a bowl of apples into the room for us to eat.

'I've always wanted to ask,' I said aloud which brought everyone's attention. 'Who is the red force?'

'Well, assuming that you are the Tree of Life, the red force must be the witch,' explained Taehyung.

'But if the witch is already killed, how come a new world has yet to 'open up'?' questioned Kyungsoo.


He was interrupted by desperate banging on the front door.

I went to open the front door, letting in three men.

'Who are you?'

'I'm Kris. Sorry for the rude barge in, but there's like, something chasing us out there so I beg you to quickly close the front door.'

And so I did.

'Oh, and I am Huang Zi Tao.'

'Kim Jongdae.'

'Happy reunion?' I raised my eyebrows, welcoming them into the living room.

'Ah, guys, after a long time, it sure is nice to meet all of you.'

They started another session of hugging, exchanging 'hello's and 'how are you's.

I quickly locked the door, remembering what Kris said.

'So, Jongdae, you must have the power of Lightning, Kris, yours is Flight and Tao, you are Time Control, am I right?'

They nodded.

'OK. Quick question. Who was chasing you?' I said curiously.

'The red force.'

We all looked at Taehyung.

'Tae, you said the red force was the witch. If the witch is already dead, who is the red force?'

Taehyung closed his eyes and thought for a moment, 'I think I know who the red force is.

'I think, the red force is the abductor of YoungJin.'

He pointed at me. Now everyone turned to me.

'You were kidnapped before and you didn't tell us?'

'I-I didn't know! I thought all along he was my father!'


'No, please, don't!'

He chuckled, 'You can't do anything to stop me. I need this baby.'

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