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I woke up the next day feeling a little more tired than usual. The fact that I stayed up until 2:00 in the morning to try and call HyunJae was something unbelievably true.

I tried and tried several times yesterday night to call HyunJae's phone but she still did not pick up.

I was still thinking about the possibilities of what might have happened to HyunJae when I heard the doorbell ring.

Strange, it was, for only HyunJae would come this early in the morning.

I slowly creeped towards the door, looking out the window to try and see who it was, but it was useless; it was pitch black outside.

I gathered up my courage, and reassuring myself that this must be a person who wondered into the wrong neighbourhood, opened the door.

'Exactly what are you doing here? Weren't you in my room sleeping?' I bellowed.

'Lower your volume will you? We just decided it would be best to buy some breakfast back as you almost eat cereal everyday,' answered Minseok.

'Couldn't you have at least informed me of your departure to the grocery store?' I asked.

'Well we didn't want to so that you needn't wake up,' replied Baekhyun.

'Whatever, just come in, you wouldn't like to freeze outside would you?'

'No, I don't think so.'

I invited them in and they gladly accepted.

'Well, sit down. I have some questions for you.' I pointed at Minseok.

'What is it?'

'Where did you get this food?'

'From the grocery store, as if its wasn't any less obvious.'

'And what exactly did you buy?'

'Instant noodles. I didn't have any more money to buy other kinds of food.'

'Ok, then, stay here. I'll go get dressed and prepare breakfast.'

'Well, obviously we're going to stay here?'

'What did you do to my clothes I placed on the sofa?'

'I took them upstairs the night before.'

'I see. Now wait, I'm going to get dressed.Give me 10 minutes. I'll be quick.'

I went to my bedroom and took a bath which lasted 5 minutes. I later on changed to my black hoodie and ripped black jeans.

I went downstairs and cooked the instant noodles and invited them to eat in the dining room.

'Decent cooking skills you've got there,' said Minseok.

'Thank you,' I answered.

'Fun fact. Last year, I moved in to a dormitory with my fellow student. I tried cooking but set the kitchen on fire instead,' said Baekhyun.

'Yeah, great work trying to cook. What did you try cooking anyway?'



'You guys done? C'mon, let's get going.'

I washes the plates and cups and grabbed my phone and stuffed my laptop in my bag. I got my Timberland boots and put it on while Minseok and Baekhyun stood outside.

I went outside and locked the door.

'Hey, wanna take a bike to school? I'm kind of lazy to walk,' I said.


I had two extra bikes, one that belonged to HyunJae and a spare one.



'Race you to school!'

I won the race and reached school first. I waited for them and when they reached, we went in the school.

I settled my bag down on a seat in the geography classroom while Minseok and Baekhyun sat on either side of me.

We were intending to go to the library when we came across the corridor where HyunJae got captured. I had slightly forgotten she even got captured.

'Brings back a lot of memories, doesn't it?' asked Baekhyun.

'Yeah, yeah it does,' I answered.

'I don't know about you, but I'd much rather be in the peacefully quiet library than face something as unwelcoming as this,' said Minseok out of the blue.

'Hold on, did you guys hear that?'

'Hear what?'

We listened, and this time, it sounded loud and clear.

'That. Did you hear it?' I looked at them and they nodded.

'You know what? Screw the library and our classes, let's just go find her.' The others tried stopping me but it was no use, for I was already scurrying along the corridor, so they had no choice but to follow.

I don't really know what the others thought but, the further we wondered, the older and darker the school looked.

We continued until we stopped in front of a giant metal gate. 'What in the world?' But no one paid attention, we were all finding a way across the gate.

My eyes wondered upon a rope. 'Guys, I found our way across.'

We climbed the rope to the other side of the gate. 'Now this is really something.'

We were right now facing what looked like a statue but to me, it didn't really look like one.

To me, this so called 'statue' I was talking about looked more realistic than it was fake.

It was a dragon, yes, a dragon. Or at least I thought so.

'It looks so realistic it scares me a bit to imagine the chaos if that wakes up,' I told them.

'True, so let's hope it doesn't wake up as we already have enough trouble,' said Minseok as he replied.

We carefully walk past it, fearing it might actually wake up.

This place we were in, wasn't any normal thing you would see in school.
But what could I say? After all, I never was the type to care about anything around me. I was, after all, oblivious beyond control.

'What is this, a castle?' We passed a throne room where we saw the biggest throne possible in the human world.

As we continued our trek through this castle like building, we heard yet another scream.

'Did you hear that?' I asked.

'Hear what?' Questioned Baekhyun.

We listened carefully and there we heard it again.


'Definitely, I did at least. Come on, we must be nearing our destination. '

'Where is our destination?'

'Our destination is where HyunJae is. Let's go.'

We rushed along, following the scream we heard, until, we found ourselves in front a labyrinth.

'How are we supposed to go through that?'

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