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It was my 18th birthday. Although it was a day that any normal human would usually celebrate, I was very nervous and was not at all very happy.

I am a vampire, and on every vampire's 18th birthday in our village, we would have to face our greatest enemy and try our best to defeat it. Many have failed, but today our village counted on me. If I could defeat it, our village was free from the curse. If I couldn't, well, our village would still be under the curse for as long as anybody could break it.

If you're curious, our greatest enemy was a witch by the name of Leanne. Years ago, the founder of our village fell in love with her, and so did she. They married and had a happy family with two boys. But years later, she found out that that her husband was having an affair with another young woman and soon after, the man divorced with her. Leanne was blinded with rage and unknowingly killed both her sons. Leanne swore that she would get her revenge and she did: by setting a curse on this very village. She said that if anyone could defeat her, the curse would be broken.

And so, on every vampire's 18th birthday, all of them would have to step up and take the challenge by travelling to the witch's cave and try to defeat her.

But she was smart. She wouldn't let that person battle with her only, and so she made a fire-breathing dragon that only the bravest, most courageous person could defeat. And also, to defeat her, you couldn't do it on your own. To truly defeat her, one must first gather the twelve forces: Ice, Water, Healing, Light, Lightning, Fire, Earth, Teleportation, Wind, Time-control, Flight, and Telekinesis.

The twelve forces must then combine their power and defeat her. Unfortunately, no one could ever find all twelve forces, and so no one has ever been able to set the village free.

But I was positive I had found all twelve. With all eleven of my friends, Minseok, Junmyeon, Yixing, Jongdae, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Jongin, Sehun, Tao, Kris and Luhan, I was sure I could defeat her.

So here I am, standing in front of the cave where Leanne lives, with everyone staring into the darkness, heart feeling more than nervous, we walked into the cave slowly.

As we went deeper and deeper into the cave, a soft breeze blowed by us, informing us we had just came upon obstacle one: the dragon. The dragon was fast asleep, but someone stepped on a twig, making the dragon stir in his sleep, sluggishly opening its deep green eyes, staring straight through our soul. I gulped, knowing what was next, as smoke puffed out of its nose.

Next thing I knew, we were running and scurrying everywhere as the dragon began blowing fire everywhere. But Kris turned into a dragon and started fighting the other dragon.

It was a dazzling sight, with fire appearing in the air every few seconds or so.

After the very confusing fight, with everything everywhere, the dragon dropped dead, and vanished in thin air.

Kris turned back to himself, and we could see that he was severely injured. Yixing immediately came to the rescue, using his healing powers and trying his best to cure his wounds.

On the other hand, the rest of us turned to the way the cave led deeper into the earth. There was a blood-curdling scream, then after that there was a ear-piercing scratch on the wall, like using a fork and scratching it on a blackboard.

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