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I heard someone shout my name as I slowly raised up from my very good nap, breathing in some fresh air before slowly fluttering my eyes open.

'Wow, how did all of you get up there? And how come we're not in Taehyung's house?' I said looking up at them, tangled between tree branches and vines.

'I don't know either, we just woke up on top of trees, and you were down there sleeping peacefully, so I didn't want to disturb you, but this is getting scary. Perhaps you could help us down?' said Luhan pleadingly, and I could tell he was afraid of heights.

I chuckled softly before saying, 'But how am I going to get up there?'

'You can ask the trees to put us down right? Can you do that now?' said Sehun suggestively.

'OK, I'll try. Trees, please put my friends down.'

Almost immediately, the vines were untangled and the branches moved away, causing all of them to fall. Thankfully, there was a river below them, causing the injuries on them to be lesser.

I helped them get out of the river, but they were drenched.

'We're dripping wet!' complained Minseok.

Sehun came to the rescue with the advantage of controlling wind, dried all of them in a blink of an eye.

'Thanks, Sehun.' Luhan looked at him gratefully.

He bowed as a sign of 'you're welcome'.

Rustling of leaves were suddenly heard amongst the sound of the rushing river, and out jumped several people, equipped with bows and arrows, aiming straight at us.

'What a situation we got ourselves into, didn't we?' said Chanyeol.

'Chanyeol please, if you're not helping, don't add to the pressure,' said Junmyeon as he backed up slowly.

'OK, I'll help.' With a flick of a wrist, fire erupted from his fingertips, and he lit the dried leaves around him, causing the enemy to lose sight of its prey, and we took that advantage to escape.

Jongin teleported us a safe distance from the people. 'Are we safe?' I questioned.

'For now, but I'm afraid they might catch up, so let's run while we still have the chance,' said Jongin.

We started sprinting away, but Chanyeol tripped on a branch, got his feet caught in a rope which triggered a trap where a net trapped us all in it.

'Chanyeol, you are one clumsy person, look what happened this time!' Sehun glared at him with crossed arms, 'Now we're going to be their main course for dinner!'

A while later we found ourselves in chains, preventing us from escaping, as we proceeded slowly to where they said their leader was.

With every step, our feelings dropped more and our heartbeats fastened its pace, as we dragged our feet, walking as slowly as possible, while wondering how they would cook us: in a stew? In a soup? As an appetiser? As a dessert? Perhaps with mac and cheese?

We reached a big wooden house where I assumed the leader was.

We reached the throne room, which was surprisingly bigger than I thought. There was a throne which I think was made out of pure gold. A person wearing all black was staring out the window.

'Sir, we found these people trespassing our territory,' said one guard.

Their leader turned around slowly, and as he did, everyone widened their eyes but me.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐔𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃 ━━ exoWhere stories live. Discover now