Chapter 10

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Alaska's POV

"Justin dear you need to get up otherwise you won't sleep tonight." I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. "What's for dinner?" 

"We're having Pizza and fries if that is alright?" 


"You get changed and i'll go and dish up."  I waited for Mom to leave the room before scrambling out of bed and pulling on a unicorn onesie.  I headed downstairs and was pulled into a big hug by Nana. "Justin oh how i've missed you!" 

"I've missed you too and i may have taken some of your clothes with me."

"I noticed." Nana laughed as she released me. "Anyway your mother tells me you have a friend coming around for Christmas?"

"Oh yeah, we've been talking for ages online, she also does drag."

"Ooh, what's her name?" 

"Sharon Needles."

"DINNER!" My mom's voice echoed through the house. I followed Nana down the hallway into the small dining room. We all took seats and started our meal. "So Justin, what are you getting Sharon for Christmas?" Nana asked.

"Who is Sharon?"

"The friend Justin has invited for Christmas."

"Oh right I was thinking about that, you can invite her to stay Christmas eve with us as well as Christmas day and night."

"That would be great, thanks mom." 

"You're welcome lovey." 

"Now back to my question, what are you getting her for Christmas?" 

"A bunch of horror movies and a new Ouija board."


"That's what she's into."

We finished our meal in a comfortable silence and then I helped my mom do the washing up. "Mom do you mind if I go and tell Sharon she can come on Christmas eve?" 

"Of course not honey, i'll bring you a hot chocolate in a little bit." 

"You're the best mom ever." 

I ran upstairs and flopped down on my bed, pulling out my phone so I could message Sharon. 

Inbox (122)

AlaskaThunderfuck: Miss Needles I come bearing good news x

SharonNeedles: I'm gonna die?

AlaskaThunderfuck: I hope not

SharonNeedles: Why do you wish to crush my dreams?

AlaskaThunderfuck: Cuz my mom says you can spend xmas eve with us as well as xmas day x

SharonNeedles: Your family sound awesome

AlaskaThunderfuck: My Nana is excited to meet you

SharonNeedles: Now I know how it feels to have fans

AlaskaThunderfuck: I'll always be a Sharon Needles stan x

SharonNeedles: You better be x

I turned off my phone and placed it on my bedside table. I grabbed my laptop out of my case and opened up Netflix. "Honey can I come in?"

"Yeah." The door creaked open and my mom walked in carrying a large hot chocolate topped with whipped cream, mini marshmallows and sprinkles. "Here you go."She placed the mug down on the bedside table next to my phone and sat down on the edge of my bed. "Would you like to come and watch some TV with us honey?"

"If you don't mind i'm going to stay here and watch a film then get some sleep."

 "Alright love, i'll see you tomorrow." She kissed my forehead before leaving my bedroom. I snuggled down under my duvet and started my film, taking small sips from my hot chocolate. 

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