Chapter 33

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Alaska's Pov

"Alaska guess who's getting married?"


"Who told you?"

"This." I passed Courtney the invite then continued to do my makeup in the dressing room mirror. "You got invited?" 

"I didn't think I would, I mean Sharon and I haven't spoken since we broke up and we all know how that ended."

"I know, do you think she's trying to make you jealous by being petty?"

"I don't know and I don't care seeing as i'm not going."

"What? Why?"

"I don't want to go to my ex's wedding thank you very much, now can you please go and annoy Willam so I can finish getting ready?"

"But this could be your chance to smooth things over with Sharon."

"I don't care about that really, i'm fine without her in my life."

"But you could become friends again."

"Ugh go away Courtney unless you're gonna say something that's not a load of crap."

"Alright i'm leaving, i'll see you after the show."

I turned back to the mirror and finished applying my lips. Once I was ready I slipped into a red dress and adjusted my wig. I looked down at the wedding invite that lay on the table. I ripped it up and chucked it in the bin before heading backstage. 


After the show I found myself sat in a small cafe with Courtney and Willam. "So what color suits do you think Sharon and Chad will wear?" Courtney asked. 

"Sharon is wearing a wedding dress Courtney, a black, sparkly one to be specific." 

"How come you know that, I thought it was only the people going tomorrow who knew?" Willam asked. I shrugged my shoulders "It's what she always wanted to wear to get married."

"Do you miss her?"

"Can we please talk about something else?"

"Aww you miss her." Willam cooed as she wrapped her arms around me. 

"I'm going home see you guys later." I downed the last bit of my drink, grabbed my coat and headed out into the busy street. 


I was awoken the next day by someone knocking on my front door. "Alright i'm coming." I grumbled as I pulled on some sweatpants. I pulled open the door and Willam strutted in. "Aren't you supposed to be meeting Sharon?" I questioned as I closed the door and followed her into the living room. "Well yes i'm on my way there now but I just wanted to tell you our plan."


"Well Courtney and I were talking and we want you to come to the wedding with us."

"I've already said i'm not going and I stick by that."

"We thought we could even set you up with a fake boyfriend to see if Sharon gets jealous."

"I'm not sure about this."

"Please come Lasky it will be fun, you don't even have to talk to Sharon and Chad if you don't want to."

"Ugh fine, but can you leave now as I want to go back to bed."

"You lazy bitch but i'll see you tomorrow then."


"We're heading over to a hotel early as we have the stag and doe on Thursday."

"What's a stag and doe?"

"It's a combined party,  a fundraiser."

"That sounds kinda lame, i'd rather have a night out on the town."

"I agree but there's gonna be lots of alcohol so we can jut get wasted and forget our problems."

"I don't drink Willam."

"That's because you're boring but I really must be going now, see ya."

Willam blew me a kiss before heading out to her car, once the door had closed I returned to bed. 

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