Chapter Thirteen

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Romeo woke up the next day with a huge headache and feeling extremely disorientated. The last thing he remembered from last night was his mother singing him to sleep. He didn't remember the last time that happened, but it was pleasant.

The male slowly sat up, rubbing the back of his head as he opened his eyes and looked around. That... wasn't his bedroom. Where was he? Were they in holidays? How could he not remember? His eyes landed on a bucket on the floor filled with something he couldn't identify. He lowered his head to smell it and quickly regretted. It was vomit.

Then, he realized where he was. Spending his summer at the farm with Jacob and Savannah, because his father couldn't deal with him anymore. And his mother... his mother couldn't have sung to him, because she was dead. So who did? The only person who came to his mind was Savannah, but last time he checked she was mad at him. The only thing he remembered from last night was going to a party with Savannah (against her will) and drinking. A lot. Especially after she sang a song that seemed to have been written especially for him, in which she basically asked him to walk out of her life. He felt so hurt not even the rum was enough to ease his pain. The only person he thought saw him as more than what he showed to be, was tired of him as well. Maybe he was what he showed to be and nothing else. Maybe he deserved to have no one. He didn't remember what happened after but honestly didn't make an effort to. He just hoped he hadn't done anything stupid.

Knowing he was probably late for work and not wanting to have Boy invading his bedroom even though he loved the dog now, Romeo got off of bed and hopped for the bathroom to have a cold shower, since he was in desperate need of one. Then he quickly got dressed and ready for the day.

Walking down the stairs, Romeo couldn't smell Jacob making breakfast or hear Savannah putting the table like usual. Actually, the kitchen and dining room were empty. Maybe he was later than he thought... No, if he was, Savannah would have woken him up and make him go to work. She wouldn't let the chance to aggressively wake him up slip by, especially now that she was mad at him.

Still feeling extremely disorientated because of his hang over, Romeo looked at the clock the family had at the kitchen and gasped. It was 11am already. He slept over. Why didn't Savannah wake him up? Damn, he must have done something extremely stupid. So stupid she didn't even want him to work with her. He was screwed. What could he have done? Romeo tried to pull back the memories from his subconscious, and he had a foggy reminiscence of Savannah pulling him out of the bar (probably to prevent him making a scene), then driving him back to the farm and guiding him to his bedroom. He also had the idea of hearing her tell him that she didn't hate him and that her father and her enjoyed having him around the farm. And he remembered not believing her even though her eyes expressed honesty. Who would like having him around? Even his own father sent him away. Even his own mother abandoned him.

Romeo didn't exactly know which memories were real and which were coming from his dreams or imagination, so he chose to trust none. It didn't really matter now, what was done was done. Now he should just hurry and find Savannah to help her at least finish the morning chores.

The blonde headed to the stables, since by that time that was probably where Savannah was. He was right. All the horses were already outside in the pasture, and Savannah was cleaning the stables. Romeo didn't know what he should do: say hello, ask why she didn't wake him up, apologize for being late or just start working. Fortunately, Savannah heard him walking in and spoke before he did.

"Good morning, Mr. Sleepy!" She greeted with a smile, making Romeo raise his eyebrows. She was in a good mood, which he didn't expect at all. He had gotten drunk, ruining her night and making her return home sooner than she wanted to, and was late for work, making her do everything by herself. Not to talk about the whole Jessica situation. Why was she treating him so nicely?

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