Chapter Fourteen

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Romeo laid on his bed that night with a silly grin on his face. It was so weird thinking that when he woke up that same morning he had no idea how much he liked Savannah, and now all he wanted was to be with her. The click inside his mind happened so quickly and out of nowhere, he still felt a little shaken from it. How could they both be so blind? Why did it take so long for him to realize how he truly felt towards that girl? It wasn't love, at least not yet, but he had a deep care towards her, deeper than he had ever felt towards anyone else, and she was the person he enjoyed being with the most. It couldn't be just friendship. Especially since he felt attracted to her and felt like kissing her just by looking at her pink lips. Just thinking about it made him want to pay Savannah's room a visit, but he knew it was too soon. They were still getting to know each other and their feelings, so they would take small steps. And they still had one month to do so.

Thinking about the course his relationship with Savannah had taken was kind of funny. It was like a love and hate tug-of-war, but in the end love won. Despite all their fights and differences, they came to the realization the reason they had such a rocky relationship was that they had really strong feelings towards each other. Now that they knew that, everything would be easier; at least he hoped so.

Who would have guessed? A city boy and a country girl, it sounded right out of a lame cliché book or movie. They were like fire and water. Savannah was the fire, always burning with passion and emotions, ready to put up a fight and show her worth. Romeo was the water, apparently calm but ready to start a storm with destructive waves. Who says fire and water aren't compatible? Savannah was the fire that warmed Romeo's heart, and Romeo was the water that tamed Savannah's soul. They were made for each other.

No, Romeo was thinking too much ahead of himself. However, he couldn't help it. He was excited. It was the first time he really wanted a relationship to work. He didn't want to hurt Savannah or feel indifferent towards her; he wanted to make her happy, and to be happy by her side. Being with her made him want to give himself a chance to be happy. If he deserved that chance or not was a whole other question, but he had promised Savannah not to think too much about it.

He was Savannah's girlfriend. It was still hard to believe. Especially since they had to keep it a secret, not only from Jacob, but from everyone. Savannah told him, and he knew she was right, that words spread faster in a small town like that. If they weren't careful, her father would eventually learn the truth, and she wasn't ready to deal with that yet.

Romeo closed his eyes and tried to stop thinking so he could fall asleep, but it was hard. Thoughts about Savannah kept invading his mind and insisted on staying, conquering all the corners of his mind. He eventually fell asleep, with the same grin he had when he first laid on the bed, wondering what would life be like now that he was dating Savannah.


Savannah woke up the next day thinking about Romeo. Maybe she had dreamt about him, she wasn't sure; but she wasn't used to thinking about someone first thing in the morning. She was very nervous about all this, especially since she hadn't figure her feelings out yet. She had never liked someone in a romantic way before, so she didn't know how she was supposed to know if she liked Romeo or not. She guessed it was one of those "you'll know when you feel it" kinds of situations, but she was unsure.

When she talked with Romeo at the hill the last day, she felt her heart was going to jump out of her mouth. Subconsciously she had thought about it too; she had read about it so many times, about how hate was a synonym of love, she couldn't help but wonder if that was what was going on with her. Why else would she let Romeo get to her nerves so much? Savannah had always been a hot-headed person, but not that much. Sometimes just looking at him made her mad, other times she felt like hugging him and telling him everything would be okay. She didn't know how to act when she was with him, it was as if she forgot how to function. And then there was the Jessica situation... Just thinking about it made her brain boil in anger, so she pushed the thought away. The truth, however, was that she was jealous. And she wouldn't be jealous of a friend, right?

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